Qui sont les membres du Fatah ai-Islam ? Des électrons libres ? Des membres locaux de la mouvance Ben Laden ? Un groupe armé manipulé par Damas ? Ou par Saad Hariri, comme beaucoup l'affirment au Liban ? Les protagonistes d'une histoire à tiroirs «à la libanaise» ? «La vérité, dit un politicien chrétien bien informé, c'est un peu tout celaen même temps. N'oubliez pas, ici, c'est le Moyen-Orient.»
"'America is something that can be easily moved. Moved to the right direction.They won’t get in our way'" Benjamin Netanyahu
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Liban: "Qui étaient les djihadistes du Fatah al-lslam ?"
Qui sont les membres du Fatah ai-Islam ? Des électrons libres ? Des membres locaux de la mouvance Ben Laden ? Un groupe armé manipulé par Damas ? Ou par Saad Hariri, comme beaucoup l'affirment au Liban ? Les protagonistes d'une histoire à tiroirs «à la libanaise» ? «La vérité, dit un politicien chrétien bien informé, c'est un peu tout celaen même temps. N'oubliez pas, ici, c'est le Moyen-Orient.»
"Private Note" from Hagel to Bush Calls For "Direct, Unconditional, Comprehensive Talks with Iran"
STATE Official : "Hariri will be Prime Misister, but not necessarily a Good Prime Minister"
"The View from a Divided Palestine"
Larry Johnson on the "reasons" for Intelligence failures
That is not the case today and has not been the case for at least 8 years. I still have not been able to determine who instituted this change–was it Woolsey, Deustch, or Tenet? Don’t know, but it was a damn stupid change. Analysts at CIA, DIA, and INR are now free to write articles that are disseminated throughout the intelligence community without having to coordinate with each other and get clearance on their pieces. And you wonder why we have intelligence failures? This is a contributing factor..."
'Immunity" routinely offered by STATE to Contractors slaughtering Iraqis
"Plan B (for 'bombs') after Iran fantasy fails"
Former Central Intelligence Agency analyst Reuel Marc Gerecht of the American Enterprise Institute - writing under the pseudonym Edward Shirley - had been more aggressive than anyone else in arguing that Iraq's Shi'ites, liberated by US military power, would help subvert the Iranian regime. But in April 2006, he called, in a Weekly Standard article, for continued bombing of Iran's nuclear sites until the Iranians stopped rebuilding them...."
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
'Du chaos irakien à l’escalade contre l’Iran'
Zogby Poll: 52% of Americans Support U.S. Military Strike Against Iran
An attempt to scuttle US-North Korea talks or "a New Intelligence Failure?"
Monday, October 29, 2007
"This is the Shi'ite moment"
The Iran 'blame game'
Sunday, October 28, 2007
With friends like America, Lebanon doesn't need any more enemies
Lang: "I have regretfully come to the conclusion that Cheney just does not like our present form of government"

Chalabi back in action in Iraq
Dowd on Cheney & Iran
"...CHENEY: If Admiral Mullen wants to be Admiral Sullen, that’s his business. I’m not going to be a defeatist or question the courage of our fighting men...."

Ray Close on the Israeli Sept. 6 Air Raid on Syria
'The Moment Has Come to Get Rid of Saddam'
"Aznar: The only thing that worries me about you is your optimism.
Bush: I am an optimist, because I believe that I'm right. I'm at peace with myself. It's up to us to face a serious threat to peace...Aznar: In reality, the biggest success would be to win the game without firing a single shot while going into Baghdad.
Bush: For me it would be the perfect solution. I don't want the war. I know what wars are like. I know the destruction and the death that comes with them. I am the one who has to comfort the mothers and the widows of the dead. Of course, for us that would be the best solution. Besides, it would save us $50 billion.
Does "Loving" Lebanon Mean Never Having to Say You're Sorry?
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Republicans and Top Dems Missing at Arab American Leadership Summit
"Police Judiciere" search archives of Chirac's electoral shenanigans

Une information judiciaire a été ouverte par le parquet de Paris, le 20 septembre 2006. L'ancien PDG d'Euralair, Alexandre Couvelaire, présenté comme un proche de Jacques Chirac, a depuis été mis en examen pour plusieurs chefs, dont "abus de biens sociaux, banqueroute, publication de comptes sociaux inexacts, trafic d'influence actif et passif et recel".
La juge Simeoni a été saisie après trois années d'une enquête préliminaire lancée à la suite de la plainte d'un ancien salarié de la compagnie. Cette plainte vise notamment M. Couvelaire.
Selon un listing remis aux policiers en 2004, l'épouse du chef de l'Etat se serait, par exemple, rendue à Brive, le 8 juillet 1998, à bord d'un jet privé de la compagnie, pour assister à la confection de la plus grande omelette aux cèpes du monde.
Eveything Israel wants you to know about its secret airstrike
'Attack Iran and you attack Russia'
'Walking Into Iran's Trap'

Why Iran's Democrats Shun Aid
Friday, October 26, 2007
Israel CANNOT have Peace with the Palestinians because '1967 borders' are indefensible
NID's McConnell "Reverses the recent practice of Declassifying and releasing summaries of National Intelligence Estimates
The U S and the Ongoing Lebanese Crisis
"...An effective national military power would also have been the primary vehicle for the defense of the country and its people. In the case of foreign occupation, any need for the formation of groups to carry out guerilla activities or asymmetrical warfare operations would have been met under its auspices and involved the participation of all social groups within the nation."
"This does not explain, however, the high degree of interest US officials have expressed and actions they have taken as regards internal Lebanese political developments, especially by the current Bush administration.
"Last summer, during the Israeli war on Lebanon, the Lebanese, along with the rest of the world, watched the US, practically alone among all members of the UN Security Council, block a Council’s decision to promptly stop the death and destruction Lebanon endured over thirty-three days. .Such stands remain in the collective memory of people and cannot but deepen the sense of alienation between the US and Lebanon and also other parts of the Arab world.
Prospect of "Pandemonium" in Oil Markets make a Strike on Iran "unlikely"
Robert Gates: "Without good intelligence, sending large numbers of troops across the border or dropping bombs doesn't seem to make much sense to me"
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Farid Ghadri asks for 'World Jews' to assist him
"Scenarios – Lebanon’s Presidential Elections"
The Israeli “Nuclear Reactor Strike" and Syrian WMDs
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Founder of the "State Department's Office of Iranian Affairs" quits post
Blackwater fallout: Top Security Official at State Resigns
The tea-leaves of an Iranian resignation
Imad Moustapha: "Give Syria a Place at the Table"
Top Rudy Foreign Policy Says Giuliani Is Preparing For "World War IV"
CQ: Democrats worry President Bush’s funding request to enable B-2 “stealth” bombers to carry a new 30,000-pound “bunker buster” is sign of Iran preps
Georges Corm: "L’évolution du statut du Liban dans l’ordre régional et international (1840-2005)
"Les violences
qui y sont commises acquièrent une double connotation qui deviendra une constante de ses crises. Elles sont locales, opposant alors druzes et maronites an quête de puissance dans l’évolution plus large des changements que connaît la Méditerranée de l’Est ; elles sont régionales et internationales, car il s’agit de faire évacuer les forces égyptiennes du Liban et de rétablir l’autorité au moins apparente du Sultan ottoman sur ce territoire et sur l’Egypte." More of the same, Read more, hereTuesday, October 23, 2007
With thoughts like these, Giuliani's place should be the White out-House!
I mean, they’re attacking us for the good things about us. I mean, why are they doing it? They’re doing it because — my wife and the wives of the other candidates addressed a women’s breakfast this morning. You think they have women’s breakfasts with political candidates speaking in Islamic terrorist countries or countries that support Islamic terrorism?
Imagine if they showed up for a breakfast. Maybe they’d get stoned. They don’t want women to have rights. Let’s just deal with it. I mean, that’s just the reality. They don’t want to allow them to have rights … "
Efforts to resolve Lebanon's crisis may be too little, too late
Putin: Russia does not want its Muslim neighbor to have nukes, but it also sees Iran as an important market for arms sales and nuclear electricity
"Islamo-fascism Awareness Week" Response Kit
Matt Yglesias says so rightly: "It's a little sad that, as a country, we've reached a point where the Center for American Progress feels the need to publish an "Islamofascism Awareness Week" Response Kit, but it led to a funny picture and it's nowhere near as sad as the fact that we live in a country where there's a serious "Islamofascism Awareness Week" campaign under way."
Joint Chiefs Chairman Mullen: attacking a third Islamic nation in the region "has extraordinary challenges and risks associated with it."
Monday, October 22, 2007
"Pakistan on the Brink"
"...There is a deep attachment to Islam, for many to the religion of the Islamists but, for the large majority, to Islam in its utopian guise as the source of all answers and solutions. There tends to be a sense of one Pakistani nationality among the people of the Punjab and most people in urban centres in other parts of the country.
Another widely held sentiment is strong anti-US feelings; these are not directed against Americans but against the US government, and are based on what is perceived as its destruction of Afghanistan and Iraq, its condoning the destruction of the Palestinians and Lebanon, ...
The army has ready-to-use, mobilized power.
This people power can, however, be effectively mobilized and projected by a dedicated and well-organized group. It is instructive to examine one case where this was successfully done. ZA Bhutto, then prime minister, had the 1977 elections rigged (he didn’t need to as he could have won a comfortable majority in a fair vote, but his vanity demanded an "overwhelming" victory). ..
The critical situation in which Pakistan finds itself today is because, under intense US pressure, Gen Musharraf has sent in the army to seize control of the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan,...There is real danger of a catastrophe. If Musharraf keeps forcing the army to continue fighting this war it may fracture; all it will take is one crack, since the strain on the whole edifice is so great that this would be enough to break it apart. Even if the army is pulled back into token operations, the tribesmen are so incensed that they may not cease fighting,...
U.S. Planners See Shiite Militias as Rising Threat
Ahmadinejad challenges Khamenei directly and openly with Ali Larijani's firing
"Ali Larijani has essentially been fired by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is not letting Larijani leave the negotiating scene yet.
Despite Larijani's blurry status, Iran has announced that "joint will" of Ahmadinejad and Khamenei that Iran's top nuclear negotiator attend talks on Tuesday in Rome with Javier Solana..."
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Fisk: Looking for pro-Hariri militias? "Check the register of the Mayflower Hotel in West Beirut"
"The Butcher's Cleaver": Epic novel of Confederate and Union intelligence in the American Civil War will soon be published
Lebanese Druze leader to seek Barak's help in toppling Syria gov't
Friday, October 19, 2007
Assad visit signals Deepening Rapprochement between Syria & Turkey
Thursday, October 18, 2007
'Extraordinary' meeting between Putin & Khamenei
Gallup Poll: Even Republicans don't think this are 'getting better in Iraq'
Israeli soldiers aiding arms smugglers into Gaza, says Egyptian Military Report to US Congress
Bush 'explains' his decision to invade Iraq: "We had to do something after 19 young people blew up 3,000 Americans"
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hariri: "You have to remember that the Iraqi government wants the United States government to stay"
Clinton in Foreign Affairs: "I will order spc-units to engage in targeted operations against al Qaeda in Iraq and other terrorist orgs. in region"
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
(Excerpts) "Bitter Friends, Bosom Enemies: Iran, the US and the Twisted Path to Confrontation"
Monday, October 15, 2007
Brookings: "What is Syrian President Bashar Assad up to?"
Lebanese Malaise
Gen. Abizaid: ‘We’ve Treated The Arab World As A Collection Of Big Gas Stations’
The US 'wali' in Lebanon keeps Minister Murr under a very close watchful eye
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Deconstructing the neocon nuclear narrative ...on the Syria "raid"
"I want to kill you, but not today"
Saturday, October 13, 2007
"What the Hell is Going on with the CIA IG?"
... Oh, one more thing on the Syria "raid" ...
If you're interested, read more here
Brazil won't extradite Lebanese banker
A French view of the Iranian situation
"If we need some combination of sanctions, threats and cooperation offers to get Tehran back at the table of negotiations, we should look toward the veterans of the Iran-Iraq war, particularly among the IRGC. They are the future power in the country. We should also understand what they are hoping for. This is a stable and modern Iran, admitted as an international player and feeling safe in its regional environment..."
"Used Hawks" abound in Giuliani's 'Foreign Policy Team'
Friday, October 12, 2007
Hersh to Remnick: "Democrats will lose the elections" unless ...
"Anti-Semitism" crusaders are nowhere to be found when Ann Coulter (a supporter of Israel) spews...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Exclusive: Photos of navy ship hit during July-Lebanon war revealed
From YnetNews, here
US Intelligence "Triumvirate" skeptical of Israeli conclusions that Syria was on a nuclear weapons track
Changing Course with Syria
CSIS's Cordesman: "Pandora's Box: Iraqi Federalism, Separatism, 'hard partitioning & US Policy"
"...If such divisions continue and reach the level of partitioning or federalism that effectively divide Iraq on sectarian and ethnic lines the consequences are likely to be much grimmer. It is far from clear that such developments will lead to a large-scale blood bath -- although this is at least possible. However, isolated cases of large-scale violence and local atrocities seem all too likely. Major new displacements of population are almost certain, and will come at great economic cost to those involved..." Continue reading here
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Russians "furious" with Bush over "lack of coordination & preparation" for the Annapolis Mideast Peace summit
"...Ambassador Ushakov allegedly told Hagel (Chuck) that he's never seen anything like this. He said there are normally side agreements orchestrated, diplomatic understandings, and significant coordination efforts. Most Middle East summits attempted before involved enormous heavy-lifting before the meeting. However, according to a significant source, absolutely nothing of import is happening between White House officials and key stakeholder governments in the region -- including Russia which is one of the Middle East Quartet members..." More here from Steve Clemons.
... more Saudis Named Terror Financiers by U.S. Treasury
Scowcroft, Brzezinski, Hamilton, Baker, & Others Call for Syria and Hamas to Be Engaged in Israel-Palestine Effort
ICG: "Hizbollah and the Lebanese Crisis"
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
When you dehumanize a people to the extent Iraqis were, "Blackwater" happens!
Meaningless House Resolution:"...a major religion that has been behind the Islamic jihad ..."
Monday, October 8, 2007
War on terror is fuelling al Qaeda
The report -- Alternatives to the War on Terror -- recommended the immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops from Iraq coupled with intensive diplomatic engagement in the region, including with Iran and Syria..."
The Oil Crisis of 2012?
After Iraq, Iran & Syria, Bill Kristol calls for US Military intervention in Burma!
Lessons for Lebanon from Nahr el-Bared
Sunday, October 7, 2007
“Ticking Clocks and ‘Accidental’ War,” BY Alastair Crooke
Intel Community To Release ‘Three Iran Reports’ To ‘Slow Down’ Bush’s Warmongering
Read more here, via ThinkProgress.
"Iraq exit logistics"
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Pace's "involuntary" exit marks the end of the "Rumsfeld era
Friday, October 5, 2007
Who Wants To Bomb Iran? Democrats, Not Republicans, Says Seymour Hersh
Wurmser calls for US instigated "regime change" in Iran & Syria
Intel. Online: Israeli air force wasn't targeting a nuclear site but an arms depots in the country
Israel failed to provoke a war with Syria
"...The farce came to a partial end yesterday, and even though there is still a gag order on most of the juicy details, we can safely say that behind the successful blackout campaign lies an enormous failure. The silence of official Israel was not meant to protect military secrets. The victim of the operation knows full well what he had and what happened to him... Still, it seems that once again Assad surprised Israel; whoever expected him to respond to the operation in a military operation was wrong..."
More, here