"'America is something that can be easily moved. Moved to the right direction.They won’t get in our way'" Benjamin Netanyahu
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Strike on Iran still possible, U.S. tells Israel?
"Is there a difference of emphasis? It certainly looks as though there is," said a senior American Defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity when discussing the sensitive talks...."
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
U.S., Iran inch closer to resolution?
Monday, July 28, 2008
Israeli Defense Minister Meets with Cheney, Rice Today, Iran on the Agenda
The axis of pragmatism: Syria's emergence as a confident regional power has been paralleled by a shift in the foreign policy of its former enemies
Robert Gates: "War with Iran is the last thing we need...it would be ‘disastrous’"
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Jumblat takes a jab at Hariri ... accuses FUTURE movement of stoking the fires of secatarian strife in Tripoli
Why Iraq isn't more grateful...
Arab Aid to Palestinians Often Doesn't Fulfill Pledges
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Saudi Salafism a Stronger Force in Islamist Militancy than Recanting Clerics
Ayad Allawi: "We have failed"
Friday, July 25, 2008
Who's afraid of Iran?
"Iran for us is a threat by its very own size," says Sami Al Faraj, a consultant on national security and strategic planning to the Gulf Co-operation Council and the president of the Kuwait Centre for Strategic Studies..."
MEPGS: "US believes Iran is in no mood to bargain.."
J Street: "American Jews [ 76%] believed that Israel should negotiate with its enemies, and [ 81%] would support any peace deal with the Arabs...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Iraq Team Banned From Olympics
Ashkenazi in U.S.: All options are on the table regarding Iran...
Consensus May Be Nearing on Iraq Pullout: Is Petraeus ready to "betray" the neocons?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Can Lebanon's March 14 Reverse the Tide?
'Caghloss' Edde is marshalling whatever is left of stormtroopers he had. Fares Soueid is having his blood pressure taken every fifteen minutes. Samir Frangieh, is hiding behind the robes of the Patriarch. Nayla Moawad has been sending her boy genius son to scurry favor from Soleiman Frangieh for safekeeping her a place for the next elections (to no avail apparently), Misbah Ahdab is trying to marshall the forces of his minions (literally minions) to fight Hezbollah in....Tripoli!?!
Every day is a barrel of laughs at the expense of this pathetic bunch of losers. These were the allies of Schenker and co!"
"..The most underestimated cause (per the question prompt) is very likely the occupation of Islamic lands by foreign powers..."
The opportunity to hammer out a grand compromise with Iran is there, but Bush seems determined to prevent talks that could advance vital US interests
Syria's Dawoodi cancels Washington visit.. but Al Taki will travel to the US
Scowcroft Says He'd Tell Israel To "Calm Down" On Iran Strike
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Cuban missile crisis sequel?
"While they are deploying the missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, our strategic bombers will already be landing in Cuba."

General James Jones, is preparing an extremely critical report of Israel
In Haaretz, here
"...A few copies of the report's executive summary (or, according to some sources, a draft of it) have been given to senior Bush Administration officials, and it is reportedly arousing considerable discomfort. In recent weeks, the administration has been debating whether to allow Jones to publish his full report, or whether to tell him to shelve it and make do with the summary, given the approaching end of President George Bush's term...."
Analysis: U.S. advisers could stay long after troops leave Iraq
"...Hariri’s visit to Iraq merely represented the commercial side of Saudi-Iraqi detente.."
For the 6 powers — the US, Russia, China, France, Britain & Germany — the Iranian response's substance was just as disappointing as its style
Mideast's Balance of Power Shifts Away From U.S.: Regional Players Bypass Washington In Brokering Deals
Monday, July 21, 2008
"Hizbullah’s capitulation"
Iran's response to an Israeli strike
"Behind Druze kisses for Quntar"
Sunday, July 20, 2008
"Why was neocon Kristol invited by the DoD to Ft. Hood, Texas to talk to Gen.Odierno?"
Saturday, July 19, 2008
What are the odds?

Interview: Maliki Supports Obama's Withdrawal Plans

Friday, July 18, 2008
"...Moscow took a deliberate decision to press ahead with Iran in energy cooperation in complete disregard of US displeasure..."
Bandar tries 'bribery' with Russians...
"The US, Israel & Europeans are recognizing that their policy of trying to defeat their enemies by isolating & vilifying them has failed"
"..Five Reasons for Doubting an Israeli strike..."

US official: "Iran-policy overtaken by the dramatic rise in oil prices ..Iran’s GDP has doubled, & they are isolated from the effects of sanctions.."
"A colleague writes, "Everyone seems to have missed the obvious: The State Department's third man is going to [talk with] Iran to send oil prices down. I'm sure Paulson told Bush this was the only way to stop a panic." Almost certainly part of it. (And is it working?)
Indeed, a US official involved with Iran policy wrote me a couple weeks back that high oil prices had severely crimped their policy: "It’s clear that the two-track policy put in place a number of years ago (incentives vs. sanctions) has been overtaken somewhat by the unforeseeable and dramatic rise in oil prices. Iran’s GDP has doubled, and they are more isolated from the effects of economic sanctions. At the same time the Iranians have made significant progress on enrichment. There are many, many more economic sanctions in the quiver, but we have carefully resisted imposing economic sanctions, unilaterally or multilaterally, that would significantly affect the Iranian people. Our goal remains an Iran without nuclear weapons, and our strategy remains the two-track approach. In light of the rise in oil prices and Iran’s enrichment achievements, the interim objectives that the two-track strategy should be aiming to achieve is something everyone is looking at, and there is no question that there is a way forward. ..."
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Haass:U.S. influence will decline from what it has been.. the end of one historical era (unipolarity) and the outset of another (nonpolarity).."
Hadley holds talks in Turkey over Iran ... the pre-Geneva talks..
"Word of advice to Kuntar... ask your comrades in the PLO ...what happened to the killers of our athletes in Munich and their masterminds..."
Bush's decision to negotiate with Iran is a symbolic gesture but not necessarily a shift in US policy
Iran and U.S. Signaling Chance of Deal
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
WINEP: Hizballah's Military Wing Under Pressure Despite Political Gains
U.S. Envoy to Join Meeting With Iranian
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
"..Peace deal with Syria can only be secured by returning Golan, but no Israeli PM will do that.."
Two senior Jewish congressmen distance themselves from tougher sanctions against Iran....
In the Forward, here, via War&Piece. ......."....Democratic Reps. Robert Wexler of Florida and Barney Frank of Massachusetts pulled their support — Wexler on July 9, and Frank a week earlier — from a congressional resolution that called for increasing inspections on all sea and air traffic in and out of Iran, among other measures. The bill has been targeted by a coalition of progressive groups that give an argument that the measure is pushing for a de facto blockade on Iran that may lead to war...arguing that the bill would send an unnecessarily bellicose message to Tehran"
The New Lebanese Equation: The Christians’ Central Role
Exclusif. La réponse de l'Iran à l'offre des Six
In France, Syrian Stirs Tensions

Monday, July 14, 2008
"..Soon, Washington may modify its aid to the Lebanese Army, because of Hezbollah’s recent political and military gains.."
[Obama-Hagel-Brzezinski]: "My Plan for Iraq"
"...Washington watched with frustration how its policy of sanctions against Syria was taking a nosedive..."
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Bush admits defeat: "No SOFA before end of term"
Most "Suspect-US Soldiers" sent to Iraq, involved in "controversial or criminal incidents"
"...At the urging of the Bush, Israel has pulled back from threatening to bomb Iran & has joined the US-led coercive diplomacy.."
Israel & Murdoch's color interpretation: "Bush gives Israel "an Amber light" for a strike on Iranian facilities?"
After Cordesman's "Red Light", ....In the LondonTimes, here "...“Amber means get on with your preparations, stand by for immediate attack and tell us when you’re ready,” the official said. But the Israelis have also been told that they can expect no help from American forces and will not be able to use US military bases in Iraq for logistical support. Nor is it certain that Bush’s amber light would ever turn to green without irrefutable evidence of lethal Iranian hostility...."
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Obama heading to Iraq with Hagel, Reed...
IDF is starting to look like an army that can fight a war?
"...Le double jeu de Bachar..."
Patti Smith 'Dazzles' her Lebanese audience with "Qana" ..about the children who died in an Israeli air strike..TWICE!
Report claims Israeli Air Force practicing for a possible attack against Iran in IRAQI airspace...
Former U.S. diplomat gets year in prison for anti-Arab remarks
Hezbollah Gains Effective Veto Power; U.S.-Backed Premier Stays
Friday, July 11, 2008
Fox News Needs A Geography Lesson (VIDEO)
Fox News: "Straites of Hormels..." Arrow over KUWAIT.... Via Huffington Post, here
Iran Hearings on the Hill
Iran Red Lines: "here's where the US & Israel differ on what to do next"
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Khamenei' "...bringing people into line..."

The 'Wall' in Palestine ...
From MESH "This map, by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, provides an update on the status of Israel’s West Bank barrier, showing segments completed, under construction, and planned, as of July 2008. The barrier’s total length is now projected to be 723 kilometers, more than twice the length of the 1949 Armistice Line (Green Line) between the West Bank and Israel. The total area located between the barrier and the Green Line is 9.8 percent of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem and the pre-1967 No Man’s Land enclave).
The map projects the numbers and identifies locations of four groups of Palestinians whose access to the rest of the West Bank may be affected by the barrier. Two of these groups will be on the opposite side of the barrier from the West Bank:
- Approximately 35,000 Palestinians with West Bank identity cards will be located between the barrier and the Green Line.
- The majority of the 250,000 Palestinians with East Jerusalem identity cards will reside between the barrier and the Green Line.
The other two groups will have fewer or less direct means of access to the West Bank than in the past:
- Approximately 26,000 Palestinians in two enclaves will be surrounded entirely by the barrier, and their access to the rest of the West Bank will be by tunnel or road connection.
- Approximately 125,000 Palestinians will be surrounded by the barrier on three sides.
Failed Responsibility: Iraqi Refugees in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon
Jumblatt 'warns Lebanese Forces'... goes public with intra-March 14 squabble
TOTAL quits Iran gas deal .. "because it is too risky"
Why is so much sensitive US military technology winding up in Iran?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
When interests collide - The US, Israel and Iran
Michel Sleimane: "Le Liban est un besoin arabe et universel"
Qatar, Playing All Sides...
Iran Raises Vanishing of 4 Citizens in Beirut as U.N. Issue
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
"the Henry" pimping for the Israel Right and the AEI/Weekly Spectator crowd in their efforts to drag the US into war with Iran...
Bachar el-Assad : «La France doit jouer un rôle direct pour la paix au Proche-Orient»

Adm. Mullen: "... Israel does not have a "green light" from the US to attack Iran..."
According to Cordesman, Mullen was expressing the official opinion of the U.S. administration, including that of President George W. Bush and the National Security Council..."
CRS Report: "Cluster Munitions"
The US has "checkmated itself"... precisely because it dominates the airspace around Iran...

Monday, July 7, 2008
"Maliki has warned Bush"
Israelis sue U.S.-based Lebanese banks accused of aiding Hezbollah
Amin Maalouf's "Origins"

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Sunni leader hero to US, outlaw in Iraq..
"Waltz with Nasrallah"

Jacobin fantasy redux...
Pat Lang, here "....they also pronounced that "the Iranians have suffered a major defeat in Iraq." They have? How?.....Amusingly, this "gang that can't shoot straight" had just finished predicting victory for the despised "Democrat" party in November before they took up the Middle East question..."