"'America is something that can be easily moved. Moved to the right direction.They won’t get in our way'" Benjamin Netanyahu
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Stuck in Syria, With No Way Home
Israel concerned: Frost around Syria is melting in Europe
Haaretz received a copy of the content of the telegram, which was authored by the deputy head of the Western Europe division at the Foreign Ministry, Rafi Barak. The note also included instructions for diplomatic activities in those capitals.
"It must be explained to the Europeans that the negotiations have still not begun and therefore they must be careful and measured in contacts vis a vis the Syrians," the note read.
Barak added in the note that the Israeli diplomats should ask the Europeans to treat Syrian requests carefully, "until we can tell if they are serious [in their intentions]." "The Europeans need to be reminded that Syria continues to smuggle weapons to Hezbollah, supports Hamas and Islamic Jihad and is not disengaging from Iran. All these are issues of great concern for Israel, and they are still on the table, unresolved."
Two attacks on Lebanese Army checkpoints ...
Bush to Sfeir: "..lousy Doha agreement gives everything to the Opposition..."
بعد مضيّ أكثر من ثلثي الوقت المخصص للّقاء، والقصير أصلاً، بدا للحاضرين أن المسألة لا تتعدى معادلة اجتماع مجاملة، أو «جلسة شاي ومسامرة»، كما يقول المثل الإنكليزي. عندها طلب أحد الحاضرين الكلام، ليوجّه إلى الرئيس الأميركي سؤالاً محدداً: «ماذا سيحصل بالنسبة إلى اللاجئين الفلسطينيين المقيمين في لبنان؟».
هنا قفزت النقطة الثالثة المرتبطة موضوعياً بسابقتَيها. إذ لم يجد الرئيس الأميركي غير الرد بنوع من السؤال ـــــ الجزويتي: «وإلى أين سيذهبون؟ أوليسوا في حالة إقامة مستقرة في لبنان؟».
حلّ شبه ذهول على وجوه الضيوف الروحيين اللبنانيين، قبل أن يكسره أحد الأساقفة بالرد على السؤال ـــــ الانطباع، محاولاً تفنيده وإقناع صاحبه بأن أوضاع الفلسطينيين في لبنان سيئة جداً، ومتردّية، ولا يمكن بأي حال وصفها بالإقامة المستقرة. والأهم أن هذه الإقامة لا يمكن أن تبقي استقراراً في لبنان، في حال تطبيعها أو تأبيدها أو تحويلها توطيناً. أخذ زعيم العالم علماً بوجهة النظر، هزّ رأسه مومئاً بالفهم والاستيعاب وانتهى اللقاء.
المعارضة أخذت كل شيء في الدوحة. ميشال عون مسؤول عمّا حدث. «الإقامة المستقرة» للفلسطينيين في لبنان باتت مسألة أكثر صعوبة وتعقيداً. ثلاث نقاط مرّت من دون ضجيج في واشنطن، لكنها تلقي الكثير من الضوء على أحداث الأعوام القليلة الماضية، وعلى ما قد يأتي.
Deputy Director of National Intelligence Kerr: "
Friday, May 30, 2008
US diplomatic sway in the Arab world is on the wane
"....Recognizing that US efforts to check the radical militia had failed, the Lebanese did the pragmatic thing - they sued for peace under the formula the Bush administration has been resisting for more than a year........And in the long run, it's surely to America's advantage if regional powers can create a stable security architecture - even if it isn't precisely the one we would have designed for them. We've tried imposing our own solutions, and frankly that hasn't worked very well"
Joschka Fischer: " As things look, Israel may well attack Iran soon..."
"....the Israeli political process is leading to the end of [Olmert's] career and is unstoppable."

... and yet,"the road to peace in Iraq runs directly through Tehran"
"...Hysteria over this week's arms report is misplaced, and US attempts to cast Iran as the villain of the region can only backfire"...... and propping up "moderate" Shiites as an alternative to Hezbollah and Iran is not the answer, and that it's foolish to believe that the US can stabilize Iraq and the Middle East without accomodating Iran. Nevertheless, the US continues its search for "moderate" Shiites, and refuse to even consider the idea of trying to find a negotiated regional settlement with Iran,....... in the Guardian, via WPR, here
U.S.-Iran regional power plays shift..

Swiss destroy evidence in nuclear smuggling case ... under pressure by the US
"......the files were secretly ordered destroyed by the government last year after pressure from the United States ...."
Iran Refined Oil Blockade
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Memo to Scott McClellan: Here's what happened
Sarkozy lauds Assad's "swift role" in reaching Doha agreement ...
After Lugar, Feinstein "Kills Off" False Iran Report
Condolezza Rice to resign within weeks...? if so, it's an "indication of imminent hostilities."
Marines are pushing Christianity in Fallujah...
Search Is Urged for Syrian "Nuclear Sites"...
Iran-Syria sign defence pact ...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Bush: US 'learning as we go' in Iraq, Afghanistan
Now, this is very comforting for the Iraqis, Afghanis & Americans! AP, here .... "Yet Bush's words were vastly overshadowed by those of the man who once spoke for him, Scott McClellan, the former press secretary. Stunning the White House, McClellan wrote in a new book that Bush favored propaganda over honesty in selling the war to the public..."
Hadley: "Missile-related shipment to Syria stopped in 2007"... part of the "propaganda" McClellan spoke about (below)

لماذا يبدو جنبلاط مطمئنّاً أكثر من نصر اللّه؟
جان عزيز
أكثر من عامين مضيا، قبل بداية الحديث عن «الانقلاب على الطائف». لكن ساعات قليلة كانت كافية لبدء السؤال: هل بدأت محاولة الانقلاب على الدوحة؟
الإشارات كثيرة ومقلقة. ميدانياً عودة نمط الاشتباكات الليلية. من المزرعة والطريق الجديدة، إلى عرمون وتخوم الشوف، وصولاً إلى صيدا، بما تحمل من دلالات نفسية وجماعية متوترة ومشحونة. خارجياً سلسلة طويلة من التحفظات التي بدأت تخدش بلّور التسوية. الأميركيون يتحدثون عن «عمل كثير يجب القيام به بعد». الفرنسيون تذكّروا أن «اتفاق الدوحة لا يحل كل شيء». حتى كوشنير الذي رقص للتسوية في ساحة النجمة، استدرك أمس «إنها لم تسوِّ الأمور في العمق». قبل أن يتوقع بان كي مون «ألّا يحل اتفاق الدوحة كل المشاكل العالقة».
هل هي إرهاصات «الثورة المضادة»، كما حصل بداية عهد فؤاد شهاب سنة 1958؟ وهل حدودها إعادة تصحيح طفيفة في الموازين، تلغي شعور النكسة لدى البعض؟
قد تكون هذه القراءة مطمئنة، لولا الكلام الأكثر بعداً وتطلعاً في أوساط الموالاة، وحتى في الأوساط السياسية المراقبة والعارفة.
أحد أركان 14 آذار يحرص على التعبير عن ارتياحه إلى مسار الأمور، منذ 5 أيار، تاريخ القرارين ومعركتهما، حتى الدوحة وما بعدها. يختصر اقتناعه الواثق بعبارة المثل القروي المعروف: «الواوي بلع المنجل...» لكنه لا يكتفي بالثقافة الشعبية للقياس والاستدلال. بل يغرف من ثقافة التاريخ السياسي.
يقول: إنها المرة الثالثة التي يسعى فيها طرف ما، وفي شكل معلن، إلى إقامة حالة تعايش أو مساكنة غير شرعية، بين دويلته والدولة.
المرة الأولى كانت أواخر الستينيات. يومها حاول أبو عمار فرض معادلة التعايش بين الدويلة الفلسطينية والدولة اللبنانية، مستعيناً بقسم من اللبنانيين، ومستغلاً تهاون المؤسسات الدستورية وضعفها. لكن الأمر لم يلبث أن ولّد حالة مرضية، تمثّلت في الأزمة الحكومية واتفاق القاهرة سنة 69، واستمرت تعتمل داخل الجسم اللبناني حتى انفجرت البلاد على مراحل، بين نيسان 69 ونيسان 73، وصولاً إلى نيسان 75، لينتهي الأمر، ولو بعد وقت طويل نسبياً، إلى سقوط الدويلة الفلسطينية، وصمود الدولة اللبنانية، بعد تبدّل الاقتناعات الداخلية والظروف الخارجية.
في المرة الثانية، يتابع ركن الموالاة، حاول بشير الجميل تكرار تجربة المساكنة نفسها. بين أواخر السبعينيات ومطلع الثمانينبات، نجح قائد القوات اللبنانية يومها، في فرض معادلة التعايش نفسها على إلياس سركيس. في أقل من أربعة أعوام، تحوّلت تلك المعادلة إلى حقل ألغام فجّرت كل المعنيين بها، وفتحت البلاد على كل أخطار الخارج والداخل.
اليوم يسعى «حزب الله» إلى تكرار التجربة العرفاتية ـــــ القواتية، يقول المسؤول في قوى الموالاة. لكن إرهاصاتها تبدو منذ الآن مطابقة للسابقتين. فكما انزلقت «المقاومة الفلسطينية» إلى زقاق الفاكهاني حتى انتهت، وكما تراجعت «المقاومة اللبنانية» إلى حدود طموح بعبدا، هكذا ستتحوّل «المقاومة الإسلامية» إلى فزّاعة لباقي الجماعات اللبنانية، حتى تفقد شرعية وجودها وبقائها.
اللافت أن هذه القراءة الذاتية من ركن أساسي في الموالاة، تتطابق مع أخرى موضوعية لدى مصدر سياسي مواكب ومطّلع. يقول المصدر: ما هذه المفارقة في الاطمئنان الجنبلاطي اللافت والجلي؟ رغم كل عوارض النكسة، ونتائج المعركة، يبدو سيّد المختارة واثقاً من المرحلة المقبلة. فهل ثمّة من أسرّ إليه بقراءة مغايرة للظاهر والمعلن؟
يتساءل المصدر نفسه: في السبعينيات والثمانينيات، استدرج السلاح الفلسطيني إلى الداخل اللبناني، حتى إغراقه واستنزافه، وخصوصاً حتى إظهار عبئه وكلفته على مؤيديه وداعميه. فصار التدخل الإسرائيلي ممكناً للتخلّص منه. وأواخر الثمانينيات ومطلع التسعينيات استدرج السلاح المسيحي إلى داخل الجماعة المسيحية نفسها. افتعلت معارك التدمير الذاتي، حتى تكوّن انطباع مسيحي بأن كلفة بقاء هذا السلاح صارت أكبر من جدواه، فصار التدخل السوري ممكناً للتخلّص منه، بعد تبدّل مزاج بيئته نفسها. فهل ثمّة مخطط ثالث اليوم لتحويل سلاح المقاومة إلى عبء باهظ الكلفة، حتى على أهله وساحته، تمهيداً لخطوة ما تحاول إنهاءه؟ وهل إيصال قائد الجيش بالذات إلى سدّة الرئاسة إجراء وقائي واستباقي في إطار المخطط نفسه، لضمان «شبكة أمان» عسكرية وأمنية في حدها الأدنى، تكون جاهزة لمنع الانهيار الكامل، حين يأتي الاستحقاق الكبير؟
مفارقة أن يبدو وليد جنبلاط أكثر اطمئناناً من حسن نصر الله. ومخاطرة أن تجري مقاربة اتفاق الدوحة بين الانقلاب عليه وتحويله إلى فخّ.
Rachel Ray, terrorist sympathizer? ... or perpetuating ignorance in America...
In FP/Blog, here,............"Poor Rachel Ray. The Food Network hostess unwittingly unleashed the fury of blogger Michelle Malkin last Friday when she wore a black-and-white, paisley scarf in an ad for Dunkin Donuts. Upon learning of the ad, Malkin called Ray "clueless" and upbraided her for wearing "jihadi chic":Charles Johnson notes, and many readers have e-mailed about, Dunkin Donuts' spokeswoman Rachel Ray's clueless sporting of a jihadi chic keffiyeh in a recent DD ad campaign. I'm hoping her hate couture choice was spurred more by ignorance than ideology. Feeling the blogospheric heat, Dunkin Donuts decided to pull the ad even though, as you can clearly see, the scarf is not a checked keffiyeh at all.......... (For what it's worth, the keffiyeh is a secular symbol of Palestinian nationalism, though the Palestinian movement has obviously become more Islamist in recent decades. Just because you wear it doesn't mean you espouse violence, only that you take the Palestinian side in the conflict.)"
Putting an "Iran Rumor" to Rest....
".... Jeffrey Feltman m'a offerte la Presidence à condition que je brise mon entente avec le Hezbollah..."
Siniora's nomination means a delay in adopting the new electoral law ....and, possibly a return to the 'street'...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
McClellan: "Bush was not open and forthright on Iraq... Rove & Libby deceived Bush & the American people ..."
• McClellan charges that Bush relied on “propaganda” to sell the war.
• He says the White House press corps was too easy on the administration during the run-up to the war.
• He admits that some of his own assertions from the briefing room podium turned out to be “badly misguided.”
• The longtime Bush loyalist also suggests that two top aides held a secret West Wing meeting to get their story straight about the CIA leak case at a time when federal prosecutors were after them — and McClellan was continuing to defend them despite mounting evidence they had not given him all the facts.
• McClellan asserts that the aides — Karl Rove, the president’s senior adviser, and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the vice president’s chief of staff — “had at best misled” him about their role in the disclosure of former CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity...."
Assad accuses the Saudis of 'conspiring' to topple his regime ...

Washington & Riyadh choose 'escalation' as Siniora appears to be headed back to the Serail...
Siniora's adviser Al Sayyed: "Doha is a lull ..a permanent solution requires a regional conflagration ..."
US Marine: "My first & third kills in Iraq were innocent men walking & biking..."
Feith: "How Bush Sold the War"
Next week, the US will face Hezbollah from across the same cabinet room table, not as bludgeoned, defeated foes, but rather as partners & colleagues..
The Doha accord for Lebanon was much more than simply a victory for Iranian-backed Hizbullah over the American-backed March 14 alliance. It is the first concrete example in the Arab world of a negotiated, formal political agreement by local adversaries to share power and make big national decisions collectively, while maintaining close strategic relationships with diverse external patrons in the United States, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria........."
Atomic Monitor Signals Concern Over Iran’s Work, ... but says it finds no proof of 'weapons program continued after 2004'...
Monday, May 26, 2008
Iran-Syria-Hizballah-Hamas. A Coalition Against Nature Why Does it Work?
Sunday, May 25, 2008
... of note, Sunday 25th of May...
Fmr. President Emile Lahoud with the Resistance Bloc
Saad Hariri with US Congressmen & DCM Michele Sison
Désarmer le Hezbollah «aurait été une erreur majeure»

Saturday, May 24, 2008
On 'flipping' Syria, prospects for peace
Friday, May 23, 2008
As 'some' prepare to finally vacate, Beirut regains a sense of hope & normalcy...

With an eye to "the era after President Bush", the Middle East moves ahead...

"... now, now, go back to sleep Mr. President!..."
Baabda Presidential Palace awaits "President Michel Aoun" says Al Jazeera!
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قصر بعبدا الرئاسي ينتظر العماد ميشال عون بعد انتخابه من قبل البرلمان |
BAE & Bandar in the news ....
"Col Lang,......."I wanted to flag your attention, and the attention of your readers, to some new dramatic developments in a story you reported last year. The U.S. Department of Justice is agressively pursuing their case against BAE Systems, the British arms company, which is accused of paying billions of dollars in bribes to Saudi officials, including the former Ambassador in Washington, Prince Bandar. Bandar alone is said to have received over $2 billion in BAE kickbacks, for his role in the "Al Yamamah" deal between Britain and Saudi Arabia (I hear that the actual figure paid to Bandar and some of his henchmen was closer to $10 billion). On May 12, two top executives of BAE, Chairman Mike Turner and an outside director who is also vice chairman of Barclay's Bank, were detained by U.S. officials as they arrived at Houston and Newark airports, respectively. They were handed grand jury subpoenas, and had their laptops, cell phones and papers temporarily confiscated. The latest from the DOJ is that the career prosecutors are so furious at the British government's stonewalling, that they are threatening RICO prosecutions against BAE. Remember, that the real story behind the BAE "Al Yamamah" scandal is that, under the arms-for-oil barter deal, the British accumulated well-over $100 billion, in off-the-books, offshore funds, that have been used to finance covert operations, for the past 23 years (the deal was first signed in 1985, and has been regularly updated ever since). The other nagging matter around the BAE case is that Prince Bandar "inadvertently" helped finance the 9/11 attacks, through funds provided by him and his wife to two Saudi intelligence operative in California, who, in turn, bankrolled two of the hijackers. This sordid tale is spelled out in Philip Shenon's admirable expose of the 9/11 Commission investigation, in the 2008 book, The Commission--The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation. My own sources have independently corroborated much of what Shenon reports. For their part, the Saudis and the British are not at all happy about what is going on at the DOJ. The Sunday Telegraph and other British papers have been ranting about the "heavy handed" treatment of the BAE execs, and they worry about a deeper rift, going into the upcoming G-8 summit in Japan in early July. A treaty is pending before the U.S. Senate, that would give British arms manufacturers equal access to Pentagon contracts, and a hearing was held this past week on the treaty at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Biden, Lugar and Feingold all expressed apprehension over the treaty, and there is fear that the BAE flap will further complicate its passage. Again, the biggest aspect of the BAE/"Al Yamamah" story is the offshore fund. To summarize: BAE delivered about $40 billion in arms and services to Saudi Arabia. BAE padded the bills substantially, up to nearly $80 billion. The pad was used, in part, to bribe Saudi officials who helped swing the deal, including Bandar and Prince Turki bin-Khaled, a top official of the Saudi Ministry of Defense. That part is fully detailed in the Guardian and other British coverage of the BAE scandal, going back three or four years. What is not covered in the British press is the fact that Saudi Arabia paid for the arms with oil. The oil was sold on the spot market, and this generated an estimated (in current dollars) $160 billion in cash. I am told by former U.S. Treasury Department officials that the funds generated from the oil sales, after BAE got their cut, went into offshore bank accounts. Those funds were invested by the usual hedge funds, etc. in places like the Cayman Islands, BVI, etc., and the profits over the past 23 years from those investments, multiplied the size of the fund tremendously. I look forward to any comments on this very big story, that has never gotten adequate media or Congressional attention, in my humble opinion. ...Harper"
Divisions Surface Between US & Israel on 'Strategy'...
May 23, 2008
Sistani issuing Fatwas declaring that armed resistance against U.S.-led foreign troops is permissible...

Un retour à la normale s'esquisse à Beyrouth après l'accord de Doha
Thursday, May 22, 2008
McCain Pastor: Islam Is a 'Conspiracy of Spiritual Evil'
Why Qatar is emerging as Middle East peacemaker....
West backs Lebanon government "capitulation" to Hezbollah ...
Another Security Council resolution that is to be mulled is 1559, which includes a clause stipulating the decommissioning of weapons belonging to the various militia forces in the country. The U.S. and France insist on including mention of the resolution in the statement. Libya has stated its opposition, while Russia has also expressed reservations......"
Administration “violated” a law requiring notification to intel-committees when it took 8 months to inform the about alleged Syrian nuclear reactor..
Is WINEP preparing Americans for an attack on IRAN?
Syria-Israel: No indication of joint work on a secret nuclear facility destroyed by Israel
WINEP: "Washington should reevaluate it support of the Lebanese government: Forget the Army for now!...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Israel-Syria peace deal could threaten Iran, Hezbollah

In a 'shift', US Delays Report on Iran Arms....
An agreement stops the fighting in Lebanon but boosts the Opposition & Hizbullah

Syria and Israel: tactical advantage
....Israel-Syria confirm peace talks
Lebanese Agree ...
Al Jazeera/English, here ......Our take: Bahij Tabbarah for Premiership? Aoun: Abou Jamra, Pakradounian, Skaff, Arslan & Bassil? Hariri bloc will have to do with old (Fatfat & co...) and bring in new blood, as for Jumblatt, he will have to away with Hamadeh... as for President Suleiman: Nazem El Khoury, Michel Murr ...? We hear that Suleiman Frangieh wishes to stay out of the NUG, and relinquishes as such his share to Gen. Aoun.
Colonel Lang has this 'epitaph':
"Another day of joy (irony alert) for the likes of Friedman, Brooks and Rice. What was it Brooks wrote last week? "What possible coalition could Hizbullah participate in in Lebanon?" (paraphrase)
The funny thing is that we Americans and Saudis pushed the Lebanese so hard and so obviously that they finally had no choice but to make a deal (always a thing the Lebanese can do).
I am going on a road trip or the next two days but I wanted to throw this ball up in the air for you all to play with in my absence. pl
ps. Syria and Israel are going to make another "day of joy" for the Flatlanders. Do you all remember them among the minor and oft forgotten peoples whom Gulliver visited?" pl
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Doha: Solution in sight? Stay tuned Wednesday May 21 at 10:00AM Doha time
Iran Proposal for "constructive negotiations"...

Siniora's Adviser: "The Armenians want "rights" in Lebanon.. while they have only crumbs in Armenia"
السيد وفي حديث الى "صوت لبنان"، اكد ان المطلوب من أجل إبقاء رئيس كتلة "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب العماد ميشال عون على قيد الحياة سياسيا يحتم ان لا ينتخب رئيس، ولو انتخب لكان سافر الى مالطا او الى اي بلد آخر. وشدد السيد انه لن يقبل بالمثالثة في بيروت بعد ان اخذت المعارضة تقسيماتها الطائفية المناسبة في مناطقها، فهي اليوم تريد حصة لا تملكها في بيروت، مؤكدا الى انهم عندما يقولون بيروت للجميع، يشيرون بأنها ليست لسكانها. وسأل كيف يريد الارمني الذي لا يملك شيئا في ارمينيا، الثلث في بيروت، وأردف السيد انه لم يعد يفهم شيئا، ولا يظن ان "حزب الله" يريد ان يتحول الى حام للأقليات العرقية والدينية.
"Disappearing act: White House denial makes Jerusalem Post vanish"
Qataris 'extend' Lebanon talks and submit two proposals
"...Virtually all of America's Middle-East problems are worsening as the administration prepares to leave office..."
Lebanon: Economy on the Edge
"Given that the government of Lebanon is not in default, Moody's believes that the country's low ratings already encapsulate the risk of severe political turmoil," said Tristan Cooper, vice-president of Moody's Sovereign Risk Unit."
"So far, donor countries such as Saudi Arabia and the US have remained committed to maintaining their political and financial support for the Siniora government. However, this backing may come to the test if Hezbollah returns to the government, one of the conditions it is seeking to end its campaign of unrest."
Monday, May 19, 2008
"Special FUTURE Coordinator" Salim Diab 'Out'.... The rest are face saving measures ..
"and he made a statement to dispel the rumors about his demise. But the real word is that he is OUT! Just face saving measures. There is an internal reckoning among the cadres of Al Mustaqbal about where and how the money was spent.".... So says a well informed observer of all things "Beiruti"... Al Balad adds this to the fray: يقال ان زعيم تيار موال وجه صفعة الى احدى الشخصيات البيروتية التي كلفها بتنظيم تياره في بيروت.(البلد) |
" |
Diab heading a "seemingly" important meeting at Quraytem (look at map in front of him) on May 19, to coordinate his exit (across the street) and return to the commerce of bathroom appliances, where he was sorely missed!
Beirut remains the snag in the "New Electoral Law" deliberations in Doha
مراسل الجزيرة بن جدو: العقدة الحقيقية الان هي قانون الانتخاب وتحديداً بما يتعلق بتقسيم بيروت............ المفاوضات الان جدية وحثيثة وربما يتم الاتفاق على شيء ما الليلة وبشكل مفاجئ
The Saudis are scuttling all attempts to reach a compromise: The hope is that the United States will 'assist' its allies in Lebanon (and elsewhere in the Middle East) in the period that separates us from the ....'Guns of August' maybe?! At no time were the US stooges in Lebanon (and the Saudis to a lesser extent) more sure of a debilitating Iran strike!