Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Remember the 'Fitzgerald-Hariri Report'?

 Reminiscent of  We know they're there but "we have seen them with our own eyes.”
... The report commented on the political polarization in Lebanon between those who blamed pro-Syrian government, and even Syria itself, for the murder, and those who accused "the enemies of Syria" of carrying out the crime in order to set Syria up. Peter Fitzgerald (a seemingly good intentioned, soft spoken old world investigator) was anything but innocent. His report emphasized that it although it was impossible to identify the party that killed Hariri, blamed the Syrians who had "influence that goes beyond the reasonable exercise of cooperative or neighborly relations," for being responsible for "the tensions" that characterized the political life in Lebanon prior to the assassination. Moreover, it blamed the Syrians for their "(interference) with the details of governance in Lebanon in a heavy-handed and inflexible manner." ...
Friday Lunch Club predicts that the Arab League final report will be something along these lines! However, all eyes are on the Gulf ...!!!!!!

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