Friday, December 9, 2011

Gingrich: "I will help Israel attack Iran!"

BLITZER: Would you move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?
GINGRICH: The first day. It will be an executive order the day I’m inaugurated.
BLITZER: And what would happen if the Arab countries sever relations with the United States, Muslim countries, as a result of that?
GINGRICH: The Saudis aren’t going to sever relations with the United States. The Emirates are not going to sever relations. They’re too afraid –
BLITZER: They have threatened over the years if the U.S. were to do that, that’s what they would do.
GINGRICH: They are too afraid of Iran right now. And I would also say to them, fine, you want to prove to us how much you hate Israel? Prove it. This is nonsense...

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