Saturday, May 21, 2011

A tale of two borders!

'Jeffrey, Jeffrey lamâ šabaqtanî?'
Basically, he is saying 'open the North & Close the South': "... Feltman conveyed the United States' concern about reports of Syrian civilians being forced to flee to safe haven inside Lebanon and called on the Lebanese government to work with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees and other international organizations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross to fulfill its obligations under international law to provide protection to Syrian citizens fleeing the violence in Syria. .. He also noted the United States' concern about events on Lebanon's southern border on May 15, emphasizing the importance of maintaining strong border security in order to prevent incidents that increase tensions that can lead to casualties and negatively impact the security of the region."


Anonymous said...

Right. Close the south where is no weapon flow, and open the north where is a flow of weapons and fighters.

Thanks for the advice, friend.

Anonymous said...

Siniora is a Traitor, he is a CIA stooge for decades.