Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wikileaks: Feltman: "Israel's attacks have accelerated an already losing PR battle for us in Lebanon"

C O N F I D E N T I A L  BEIRUT 002534
3. (SBU) Just as the morning rush hour was coming into full swing, Israel bombed three bridges on the coastal highway ....  this was the highway that the Israelis had promised to keep open (and had highlighted in a power point distributed widely) as the lifeline through Tripoli and the Arida checkpoint to Syria. This was the road the Israelis assured people would remain open. .....4. (C) The Christian community is particular is in shock, ...Even though we believe that there are complicated, circuitous routes through wadis and ravines, and via minor side bridges, by which people can still travel between the heart of what is jokingly referred to as "Maronistan" and Beirut, people are frightened......  Residing in his Diman summer residence, Maronite Patriarch Sfeir ) who has played a leadership role in getting Lebanon,s diverse religious clerics behind the Siniora cabinet and behind the idea of "equality of citizens" (euphemism for disarmament of Hizballah) ) is now essentially cut off from much of his flock and from Lebanon,s political leadership. Ditto for Lebanese Forces leaders Samir Ja'ja', .............. One moderate Christian told the Ambassador that "we are all 'resistance' now." 6. (C) The Embassy has been adversely affected by these Israeli attacks in several ways. First, much of our staff -- including security staff (both ESF and bodyguards) -- cannot get to work, hindering our operations. Second, Our fuel situation is dire......
8. (C) We emphasize that we expect that Israel will give military justification for its actions this morning, and we look forward to explanations of what seems to our military experts in the Embassy to be a pre-arranged &strike package.8 But, whatever the rationale, the costs for our goals in Lebanon are quite high. Based on the hysteric reactions of our contacts and staff who suddenly feel more affected than ever by the conflict, we do not think it is an exaggeration to say that these attacks have accelerated an already losing PR battle for us here9. (C) These attacks in the Christian heartland serve to increase Christian and Sunni (because of the impact on Tripoli) sense of victimhood and have the potential to build solidarity between the Christians, Sunnis, and HizballahThere is a certain understanding of, and even -- in some quarters *- some (quiet and, unfortunately, diminishing) enthusiasm for, Israel,s efforts .... we also hope Washington would be willing to press the Israelis on the idea of having greater Beirut (through Jounieh) being generally off limits, except for obvious Hizballah targets like the southern suburbs. ..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With such a wicked Ambassador, clearly a Neocon and an ardent Zionist...loosing in Lebanon is a given....no matter what the PR and the rhetoric is about.