Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Qaddafi: "Where were you, merceneray youth of hypocrisy ....when I was ...."

Basically, he is saying, 'I will fight you to the last colored cloak in my wardrobe'! He is calling on the men, women and children to 'wake up', to go out in his support, and show these 'drugged few', these 'gangs of rats', who is Muamar Qaddafi, Libya's glory, a rock ... He asks true libyans to march on Darnah to 'liberate it from that follower of Bin Laden' ...And if need be, he promises to use force against the insurgency! 'Stop chanting for me now, please, let them hear what I am saying because it's ominous: I have not ordered the use of force, yet!...'

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