Monday, February 7, 2011

Hundreds say: "If Hariri asks us to come every day, we will come every day. We will sleep here, we’ll bring our children..."

"... Hundreds of March 14 coalition supporters gathered Monday in Downtown Beirut’s Martyrs Square,.. “If Hariri asks us to come every day, we will come every day. We will sleep here, we’ll bring our children,” said Abu Abed, 51, a jeweler from Tripoli who has been traveling to Beirut every day since the start of the sit-in..."


Anonymous said...

Since March 14 no longer have a majority in the Lebanonese parliament and failed to achieve the majority of the popular vote in the last election, this action is quite clearly undemocratic and as such I expect to see Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton condemn it!

Anonymous said...

March14th 2005 events in Beirut were totally orchestrated by the US Embassy in Beirut Via US Citizen services committees and Saatchi&Saatchi creeps...working for CIA and other services...But, let's say for the sake of argument that it was a great achievement, and it was, and I was was very swiftly STOLEN and utterly Kidnapped by the usual feudal Oligarchs of Lebanon's Sectarian politicians, and the youth were completely sidelined to say the least... Furthermore, ALL the actions of the March14th collection of US/Israeli stooges and puppets have proven to have done the exact opposite of the rhetorical speeches that they have regurgitated since 2005.... They brought their own undoing by themselves with their despicable actions, utter corruption and more. Everybody knows that, and that's no example to follow by anyone in Lebanon or beyond... Suffice it to say that the March14th coalition of US lackeys never had enough legs to stand on...
Now, I for one, agree wholeheartedly with the views/infos on and about Syria's ruling Dictatorship of thugs...but keep in mind that Hizbullah has many many differences with Syria...which they cannot voice...because Syria is but a Post Office Box for Hezbollah and a transshipment venue for their weapons...So, all views and reviews of neocon puppets about the Legitimate and crucial Resistance in Lebanon fail to acknowledge that essential and obvious side of the equation on Syria/Hizbullah relations, for those in the know....that Hezbollah has to navigate smoothly and daily since 1982...