Saturday, February 12, 2011

“Hezbollah anti-terrorism act of 2011.”

".... “Even now, when the Lebanese government has been overthrown, the United States has still failed to indicate that it will cut off assistance to a proxy government for Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah, she complained. She called for the adoption of Berman’s Hezbollah Anti-Terrorism Act which guarantees that organizations like Hezbollah do not benefit from American taxpayers funds. During the hearing House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Howard Berman announced that he would be introducing the new bill entitled the “Hezbollah anti-terrorism act of 2011.” The bill would bar U.S. assistance to Lebanon unless President Barack Obama certifies to the Congress that no funds will go to Hezbollah or any of its entities under its control and that the Lebanese government is actively working to dismantle Hezbollah’s military capability..."


Outraged Founding Senior Member of the FLC said...

Please do cut off all aid to Lebanon!!! It is ridiculously low and it will spare us the hot winded politicians who prefer posturing to real decisions, such as reigning in Israel. Lebanon will be much better off without US aid. THere are other places that can help, if needed.

Anonymous said...

BOOOOOHHH USA can go to Hell.

Maracatu said...

It is the same hypocrite that said the following:

House Foreign Affairs Committee chairwoman, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) called the statement regarding Mr. Gross “yet another wakeup call that the United States cannot negotiate with ruthless dictators.”

Anonymous said...

their so called ''aid'' was a joke to begin with .