Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"The spectacle of the AIPAC delegates wildly applauding Bibi's defiance of the president of the US was enlightening for many..."

SST on Kessler in the WaPo/ here

"U.S. pressure can work, but it needs to be at the right time, on the right issue and in the right political context," said Robert Malley, a peace negotiator in the Clinton White House. "The latest episode was an apt illustration. The administration is ready for a fight, but it realized the issue, timing and context were wrong. The crisis has been deferred, not resolved." Kessler


People who think the Israelis and their agents of influence succeeded in dominating the Obama Administration in this matter are wrong. What they succeeded in doing is to make a lot of people look like their loyalties are anything but undivided. This is a very dangerous thing to do. The spectacle of the AIPAC delegates wildly applauding Bibi's defiance the the president of the United States was enlightening for many.

Before his visit I said that Natanyahu was not concerned because he thinks he run the US. His behavior here as well as that of his allies, confirmed that view. pl

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