"..... Although he lives in Beirut, Hasan visits this park every weekend in the summer because he feels that it represents his identity and endorses his principles. "I do not want to go places where people can drink alcohol or carry out indecent sexual behavior in public. I want to be with people who share my moral standards," he added.The fusion of leisure, religion, and politics has become an indispensable strategy for Hezbollah, particularly following its 2006 war with Israel. As the party reconstructed South Lebanon and Beirut's southern suburbs (known as Dahiyeh) following the conflict, it built -- and encouraged investors to build -- entertainment venues that cater to Shiites of all social and economic classes.
After the 2006 war, Iranian money flowed in massive quantities to Hezbollah. This was not charity: The Islamic Republic of Iran was determined to ensure that its client could solidify its standing within Lebanon's Shiite community and reconstitute its fighting strength before the next round against Israel. Hezbollah used these funds to compensate the Shiites who lost relatives, homes, and businesses during the war........ "If you ask anyone in the south today if they are afraid of an upcoming war with Israel, they tell you yes, but they also say that they would support Hezbollah no matter what happens," .....
As cash quickly became abundant, people started to purchase luxury goods. "Hezbollah preferred to offer luxury to its constituents itself, [rather] than have them use facilities in areas outside its stronghold," said Waddah Sharara, a sociology professor at Lebanese University and the author of The State of Hezbollah. In this way, Hezbollah kept its supporters away from Beirut's cosmopolitan temptations -- and the supposedly pernicious influence of Lebanon's other communities.
Almost four years after the war, night life in Dahiyeh is booming. In an area that is inhabited by half a million residents, dozens of cafes and restaurants have opened recently, with Western-style decoration, menus, and names. Amusement parks, sports centers, private beaches for women, wedding halls, exhibition centers, and summer youth camps -- all are entertainment services that developed rapidly after 2006. The residents refer to the streets where these venues are located as "Downtown Dahiyeh." This is a place where modernity mixes with piety, offering Shiite residents a space to relax without having to venture into less welcoming areas. .......Because of this simmering hostility, many Shiites prefer to stay inside Hezbollah's stronghold where they feel at home.....
According to residents, the owner planned to open a nearby club where people could dance to pop music. "That is a big no-no for Hezbollah," said one resident, who requested anonymity. Rather than close the bar by force, Hezbollah used a lighter touch. Using a small local investor not directly affiliated with the party, Hezbollah bought the bar from its owner for a large sum of money.
Fatima, who lives on Mouawad Street, one of the upscale areas of Dahiyeh, is a mother of two teens, ages 15 and 17. She expressed gratitude toward what she called Hezbollah's "religious framework of leisure," explaining that her sons are exposed to the seductive appeals of global consumerism and lifestyles through the Internet, cable TV, and the fact that Beirut is just a few kilometers away. "I want them to enjoy themselves, but I do not want them to forget religion and the principles of resistance and jihad," she said.....
The rise of Hezbollah's entertainment and leisure programs has been a success for the "Party of God," allowing the party to integrate the needs of its community with its cultural agenda and regional ambitions. "Hezbollah cannot keep the Shiites away from a normal Lebanese life for a long time, no matter how much they pay," Sharara said...... According to Sharara, this has led to a grim correlation between body counts and social services: "Hezbollah's services increase as the death toll rises, and Hezbollah today might be buying death in advance."
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