Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Good thing you went on Tuesday and not Wednesday. HA HA HA HA HA."

LATimes/ here
"... I think of the families I swam near the day before -- they must all be either dead . . . or at least homeless.
"OH MY GOD . . . but I was JUST THERE."
"Good thing you went on Tuesday and not Wednesday. HA HA HA HA HA."
(This is Lebanese humor.)
And how do my family members know that Beirut won't be attacked??? The war logic begins to emerge:
"They won't bomb here because there are no Shiites in this neighborhood."
"And also we are near the American University. We can always go across the street to the campus and be safe because they won't bomb the campus -- that would be the equivalent of bombing America and the Israelis would NEVER do that."..."

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