WINEP's relentless agitprop expert Schenker after he (and Khalilzad ...etc.) returned from Beirut, here
".... Even before Hariri resigned, the Obama administration was sharply critical of Syrian efforts to undermine government formation in Beirut. In an August interview with al-Nahar, a "high-ranking U.S. official" -- believed by many to have been Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman -- told the Lebanese daily that "The Syrians are mistaken if they think that their relations with us will not be affected as a result of what they are doing in Lebanon.... President Obama wants to improve relations with Syria, but it would be impossible if Syria and its friends in Lebanon continue to cripple the democratic institutions."In this context, it came as little surprise that on September 11 -- the day after Hariri quit -- two Katyusha rockets were fired on Israel from Lebanon, allegedly by a heretofore unknown al-Qaeda affiliate. More likely, some (Schenkerites) speculate, the attack was perpetrated by the Syrian-backed Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine--General Command.That Hariri will have an easier time forming a government his second time around is doubtful. ..... Hizballah and its allies do not appear to be fazed. March 8 has not yet veered from its demand for a "national unity government" that would provide the opposition with decisive influence in the decisionmaking process. .... March 8 is currently focused on trying to lock Hariri into this formula......... while Jumblatt clarified his August comments distancing himself from March 14, he remains an unreliable ally and leaves the coalition weakened.................. if March 14 wants to avoid another Hizballah invasion of Beirut, it may be forced to accept the 15-10-5 formula. Yet March 14 need not accept all the opposition demands......... developments in Tehran and the recent bankruptcy of Hizballah's chief Lebanese financier have proved deeply embarrassing for the militia. At a minimum, Hariri has an opportunity to weaken his FPM rivals by excluding Bassil and relegating Aoun's ministers to peripheral portfolios.While Lebanese government formulation should be an internal matter (as per ALL of THE ABOVE), Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt are all playing a part, by advising their local allies. Riyadh and Cairo continue to play a productive role in providing political support to March 14, but this will probably not be sufficient. If Washington wants to strengthen its Lebanese allies' position in these negotiations, the Obama administration will have to bring some pressure to bear on Damascus. .."
1 comment:
Schenker Maximus Idioticus is back at it again, and again, and again! It seems that there are no limits to his abysmal ignorance, if not stupidity. In the past, his pearls of wisdom would generate laughter (for newcomers, they still do) but as far as I am concerned, his tired tirades and wishful thinking is no longer provoking the anxiety it used to be, anxiety for the next batch of laughable idiocies. However, there are some morons who still believe he has something to say. In Haririland, he does have a following. That's the effect of the globalization of stupidity!
It is noteworthy that he has found some 'realism', i.e. accepting the realities on the ground that one cannot ignore. Yet, he does admonish his followers that M14 'need not accept all of the opposition demands'. How grand and magnanimous of him. As to his advice to the Obama administration: it will have to bring some pressure to bear on Damascus. He must make up his mind. Either he wants Damascus not to interfere, or he wants it to persuade the opposition to capitulate. He can't have it both ways. He lost the battle in Iraq, in Gaza, in Lebanon, and about to lose it in the Afpak theater. SMI, go home and mow your lawn!
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