Monday, February 16, 2009

Syria's position strengthening internationally, regionally

Helena Cobban, in JW, here
"...Western spinmeisters and MSM have made a huge point about the depth and alleged intractability of the rift between the alleged "moderates" and "extremists" in the Arab world, a rift that seemed particularly evident during the most recent Gaza crisis. But most western commentators often have little idea about the depth and complexity of the regional dynamics that continue to underlie regional-- and in particular, inter-Arab-- relations. I find it interesting that these two regimes, in particular, now apparently see it in their interest to move towards some degree of rapprochement.

The political fallout from the Gaza crisis continues. Egypt has been, I think, somewhat strengthened in its role in the region-- as I wrote last week. But so, too, has Syria. So the whole regional system remains dynamic, and certainly not easily reducible to some form of a zero-sum "moderates versus extremists" template."

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