"'America is something that can be easily moved. Moved to the right direction.They won’t get in our way'" Benjamin Netanyahu
Monday, June 30, 2008
"Kuwait.. taking precautionary steps to export oil if Iran closes the Strait of Hormuz.."
Lebanon's "electoral weight & security ...map"
This map of Lebanon, prepared by Lebanon-Support, seeks to identify areas of “vulnerability” within Lebanon—what might best be described as potential flashpoints. as of June 2008. The map’s authors describe the map’s layers in these terms:
- Political layer, displaying the electoral weight of the opposition and “loyalists” in each of the electoral districts of the 2005 general elections.
- Confessional layer, displaying a rough presentation of the geographic distribution of Lebanese confessions.
- Security layer, displaying the areas that have witnessed tensions and conflicts in the May 2008 events, as well as current conflicts in the North, Sidon, and the Bekaa.
- Deprivation layer, displaying areas with a high percentage of “deprived households” on the district level, as well as areas with a high concentration of “deprived households” as a percentage of the total population in Lebanon.
IRAN: "...it is either a real war or none at all. Israel cannot be “delegated.” Nor should it be..."
Saudi Arrests: Iran's the culprit...
Andrew Card: '...the citizenry have right to be informed only if that did not limit the president's freedom to go to war...'
Bush 'mesmerized' as he learns of the New York, twin towers attacks...from Card
Sunday, June 29, 2008
"If Hezbollah & Hamas can can gain the release of Lebanese prisoners & bring about the collapse of Israel's policy of sanctions...."
....Israel experiences pangs of great pain every time it needs to undertake such negotiations, but could have probably avoided the experience. During the first days of the Second Lebanon War it appeared that Hezbollah was willing to release the two abducted soldiers to the custody of the Lebanese government, so that it would negotiate over them. It is unclear why Israel rejected the offer. In retrospect, we can also say that even before the raid, the abduction and the war that followed, Israel could have negotiated over the release of Samir Kuntar with the government of Lebanon, granting it the political gains or at least the role of mediator...."
FYE: "Syria will employ its Islamist militant proxies in Lebanon to move AGAINST Hezbollah.."
Hersh: "Preparing the Battlefield: The Bush Administration steps up its secret moves against Iran"
...Jundallah, .. which describes itself as a resistance force fighting for the rights of Sunnis in Iran. “This is a vicious Salafi organization ..."They are suspected of having links to Al Qaeda and they are also thought to be tied to the drug culture.” The Jundallah took responsibility for the bombing of a busload of Revolutionary Guard soldiers in February, 2007. At least eleven Guard members were killed. According to Baer and to press reports, the Jundallah is among the groups in Iran that are benefitting from U.S. support...
"Iran Panic"
Saturday, June 28, 2008
DOD: "..Taliban has coalesced into a resilient insurgency..in its ability to regenerate combat power by leveraging tribal networks.."
The first, Report on Progress toward Security and Stability in Afghanistan, provides an assessment of developments from 2001 through April of this year. The companion report, United States Plan for Sustaining the Afghanistan National Security Forces, as the title suggests, provides a “long-term plan for sustaining the ANSF...."
Bush Rebuffs Team-Cheney's Hard-Liners ...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Congressional Research Service Report: IRAN's Economy
Jane's: "Syrian Troops in Lebanon... part of maneuvers that took place just ahead of Israel's largest military war drill..."
Is it "..the collapse of the Bush doctrine"?
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Former Senior US Diplomat: US should engage with Hamas leaders
US Administration: "...there is much skepticism over Israel's ability to act alone on Iran..."
beset by a number of drawbacks....
choice but to support Israel's efforts. As one well-placed State Department official put it this week, "We are hardly in a position to discourage Israel from trying to make peace with one of its neighbors." However, this official could not hide his displeasure over concurrent Israeli talks (brokered by Germany) to win the release of its two soldiers kidnapped in the summer of 2006 [An action which led to the violent but inconclusive month long round of fighting between the two adversaries]....
...According to informed sources, Secretary Rice has long sought to reopen the Shebba Farms issue. More recently, she has cited it as an opportunity to bolster Siniora and the central government's standing. As one Administration critic of the Secretary puts it, "Her attitude is why shouldn't Siniora be able to claim a victory over Israel, just like Hezbollah?" Not surprisingly, the Israelis take exception to the Secretary's approach on practical and well as political grounds. Says one Israeli diplomat, "We'll open this issue up and soon the Syrians will be saying one thing, the Lebanese another and we will be going round and round, getting nowhere." Israel's riposte was Prime Minister Olmert's public declaration calling for Lebanese- Israeli talks on a wide range of issues. Although Olmert fully expected his offer to be turned down [Which Siniora promptly did], it still allowed the Israelis to emphasize that extant UN Security Council resolutions leave a number of issues, more important than Shebba Farms, still unresolved.
Can Lebanon douse political fires?
Perle: "..after denouncing Iran's weapons program, a hapless president and his coalition can only look on while the Iranians rush to the finish line"
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Secret level briefing: State Department's democracy promotion activities in Iran..
... that will be the game to watch today ...

‘Unexceptional: America’s Empire in the Persian Gulf’
A (Slightly) Better War: A Narrative and Its Defects
"...Attack on Al Kibar's "Enigma Building" may have helped the Syria-Israel peace talks..."
Bush to Filipino President: I am reminded of the talent of Filipino-Americans when I look at the WH 'help'....

BREAKING: Bush Administration to Ask Congress on Thursday to REMOVE North Korea from TERROR WATCH LIST
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Syria on track to return to its political and economic alliance with Russia
Senior STATE Officials: ".. to open a US interest section in Tehran.."
Monday, June 23, 2008
Israel 'will attack Iran' before new US president sworn in, John Bolton predicts
Dealing with Damascus: Seeking a Greater Return on U.S.-Syria Relations
EU freezes Iranian assets...
America’s victory in Lebanon
Adviser: "..Another Attack on US Would Be "Big Advantage" For McCain..."
Lebanese food served with a bang

Assad's plays a "risky nuclear game"... and becomes more Conciliatory...?!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Michel Aoun: "Siniora's shenanigans could lead to War..."

"Perhaps Israel does not want Peace..."
Al Hurra fails to connect in the Middle East ...
Spiegel mixes up the Axis of Evil Again ... Iran, Syria & North Korea
Quote: ...the three countries apparently also cooperated in the production of chemical weapons: at an explosion in July 2007 near Aleppo, during which Sarin and mustard gas escaped, not only 15 syrian soldiers and dozens of Iranian rocket engineers were killed, but, according to sources of SPIEGEL, three North Koreans as well...."
Israel's Iran-strike a "long way ... but pretty much on the table?!"
Chirac, toujours loge chez les Hariri, devrait boycotter les cérémonies du 14 juillet
Many of Lebanon's Sectarian Differences Do Not Run along a Straight Muslim-Christian Fault Line
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Iraq: Near Term Dangers...
2. Failure to meet rising Sunni expectations. Maliki’s operations against JAM have bought him a window of opportunity with Iraq’s Sunnis, but it has also increased expectations ......

3. Electing to fight. There is a real danger of violent intra-sectarian competition in the lead-up to, or immediate aftermath of, the provincial elections. ....
4. Maliki’s overconfidence, part I. Maliki’s growing confidence in the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces may actually reduce his sense of urgency in accommodating the country’s Sunni population. Given nearly 100,000 armed Awakening groups/SoIs, that would be a BIG mistake....
5. Maliki’s overconfidence, part II. If Iraq’s leaders, including Maliki, delude themselves into thinking that the ISF has achieved full operational independence, that may frustrate cooperation with Coalition Forces ..
Gaza cease-fire: will it give Hamas greater clout?
Will Sunday's oil summit in Saudi Arabia lower prices?
What to Make of a Recent Israeli Military Exercise?
Friday, June 20, 2008
Israel attempting to scuttle $400 million U.S.-Lebanon arms deal
A New Legal Challenge to Israeli Settlements
Overflight Clearance for an Israeli strike at Natanz, ...

Ahmadinejad: 'I was Almost Kidnapped by Bush'
Israeli rehearsal for a potential bombing attack on Iran?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
ABC 'Exclusive': "..No credible information... from intelligence officials on Hezbollah imminent strike ..."

Murr Pere & Fils ... anything to stay in power ...
Salafists Ascendant in the Arab World...
New and Improved Rice?
“I think he [then Secretary of State Colin Powell] has proved that Iraq has these weapons and is hiding them, and I don’t think many informed people doubted that.” (NPR, Feb. 6, 2003)…
“The United States policy has been regime change for many, many years, going well back into the Clinton administration. So it’s a question of timing and tactics…We do not necessarily need a further Council resolution before we can enforce this and previous resolutions. (NPR, Nov. 11, 2002)
If you thought that these quotes were by Condoleeza Rice, think again .....In Harper's, here
Some are "troubled" by Michel Sleiman's stance on Hezbollah's weaponry ...

Bush 'Hawks' Aggressively Working to Rewrite Accepted Iraq War History..

Naval Blockade of Iran!

Saudis, oil, and U.S. elections

"Si nous voulons payer moins cher l'essence, le gazole et les autres carburants, et réduire notre dépendance vis-à-vis de dictateurs étrangers, nous devons demander aux politiciens de briser les privilèges et de mettre en place des politiques qui augmentent la production nationale", tonne Newt Gingrich, ancien speaker républicain de la Chambre des représentants, dans le New York Post.
La position de Bush rejoint celle de John McCain, qui a changé d'avis après avoir été longtemps hostile à l'exploitation des gisements côtiers, indique le Los Angeles Times. Le candidat républicain a expliqué, à Houston (Texas), que "les techniques utilisées aujourd'hui sont suffisamment sûres" pour que les plates-formes résistent à des ouragans comme Katrina, en 2005. Il reste opposé, en revanche, à la prospection dans la partie de l'Alaska classée en réserve naturelle.
Les avis sont partagés sur l'exploitation off-shore. Le Saint Petersburg Times explique que les habitants de la Floride y ont toujours été opposés, mais que leur opinion est en train de changer. Charlie Crist, gouverneur républicain de l'Etat, cité comme un colisitier possible pour McCain, s'est dit "prêt à étudier" cette possibilité. Au contraire, le gouverneur de Californie, Arnold Schwarzenegger, lui aussi républicain et supporteur de McCain, s'est déclaré totalement opposé à la levée de l'interdiction d'exploitation des zones côtières, rapporte le San Diego Union-Tribune. "Il ne s'agit pas de retourner en arrière, mais d'aller de l'avant", a-t-il dit, très en colère.
Time s'interroge pour savoir si l'autorisation d'exploiter là où c'est interdit ferait baisser les prix des carburants. La réponse est non, indique l'hebdomadaire, en soulignant que les Etats-Unis "détiennent 3 % des réserves estimées de pétrole, mais consomment 24 % de la production mondiale annuelle".
The U.S. isn't likely to try Bush administration officials for war crimes--but it's likely that a European country will
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
King of Jordan bro-in-law sues top McCain fundraiser ...sparks Congressional inquiry
Gen. Antonio Taguba: "...Bush officials committed war crimes..."

Olmert: "...Nous ne sommes pas éloignés des contacts directs avec la Syrie..."

El Baradei: "Syria lacks skills, personnel & fuel ... for nuclear facility..."
Lebanon: Crisis of Power ...
Bush & Olmert propose 'conditional' withdrawal from Shebaa to support Siniora's government in Lebanon...
"....Olmert responded that he agreed in principle, but had several conditions. First, he said, any resolution of the Shaba dispute must include full implementation of Resolution 1701, which, inter alia, requires Hezbollah's disarmament and an end to arms smuggling from Syria. Moreover, he said, until the UN decides whether Shaba is Syrian or Lebanese, there is no point in discussing its future...."
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Lebanon's Salafis: "Hariri's Future adherents are 'useless' in War & Piece ...and their interests are those of Al Qaeda..."
فرئيس «وقف الإمام البخاري» في عكّار الشيخ سعد الدين الكبّي رأى أنّ «أهم أسس الدعوة السلفية هي منع الخروج على الحكّام وقتالهم، وعدم تدخّل العامّة في هذا الشأن، حرصاً على عدم إثارة الفتن»، أمّا رئيس جمعية «دعوة الإيمان والعدل والإحسان» والمشرف العام على «معهد الدعوة والإرشاد» الدكتور حسن الشهّال فقد شدّد على أنّ «السلفية هي الوسطية الحقة»، لافتاً إلى أنّ «أهل السُنّة والجماعة يمرّون هذه الأيّام في ظروف عصيبة».
في موازاة ذلك، أكّد رئيس مجلس أمناء «وقف التراث الإسلامي» الشيخ صفوان الزعبي أنّ الهدف من اللقاء «إظهار الوجه الحقيقي المعتدل للدعوة السلفية، وأنّها جزء من مشروع الدولة، لا تخرج عن الإطار العام لدار الفتوى»، مشيراً إلى أنّ توقيت انعقاد اللقاء يعود إلى «بروز حالات ناتئة في الوسطين الإسلامي والسلفي، تتقاطع مصالحها مع بعض التيّارات السياسية اللبنانية، بغية إظهار التشنّج والتوتر لإخافة الآخرين، بينما نحن نشدّد على مبادئ الاعتدال والوسطية، وإرساء الأمن في المجتمع».
غير أنّ ما لم يقله «السلفيون الجدد» صراحة، أوضحته لـ«الأخبار» أوساط متابعة، فقالت إن السلفيين «يرفضون الزجّ بهم في الصراع السياسي الدائر، وأن يُتخذوا «فزّاعة» في وجه أحد، فهم عملوا سابقاً وما زالوا على إظهار اعتدالهم وبُعدهم عن التطرّف والإرهاب».
وفي الوقت الذي وجّهت فيه الأوساط السلفية انتقادات شديدة اللهجة إلى الشيخ داعي الإسلام الشهّال معتبرة أن حركته «طارئة ويدعمها تيّار المستقبل بهدف تعويم نفسه، بعدما همّ نجمه بالأفول»، لفتت إلى أنّ «مصالح المستقبل تتقاطع مع تنظيم «القاعدة» ومؤيديه في لبنان، تحت حجّة الوقوف في وجه الفرس والشيعة ودولتهم المنتظرة»، مؤكّدة أنّ «الساحة السلفية أوعى من أن تستغل أو تتورّط في معركة ليست من صنعها، وسيستفيد منها تيّار علماني، أبعد ما يكون عن السلفية وعن الالتزام الديني».
إلا أنّ الأوساط ذهبت بعيداً في انتقاد المستقبل، وهو أمر لم تعتبره مفاجأة، «لأنّ كلاماً قاسياً أبلغناه لقادته في جلسات ضيقة، لفشلهم في قيادة الشارع السُنّي، ودفعه نحو الهاوية، فأدخلوه في صراع مع السوريين بعد تحالفهم مع حزب الله في انتخابات 2005، قبل أن يدخلوا في صراع جديد مع حزب الله، مما أربك الساحة السُنّية، ودفع العديد من زعمائها ونخبها السياسية والفكرية والدينية إلى الاعتراض على مسلكه السياسي».
وعن أسباب ابتعادهم عن المستقبل «رغم أنّنا أيّدناهم انتخابياً»، أوضحت الأوساط أنّ ذلك أتى «نتيجة توصّلنا إلى اقتناع بأنّهم لا يصلحون للحرب ولا للسلم؛ ففي الحرب هم جبناء، وفي السلم لا يفكرون إلا في مصالحهم، عدا أنّهم أصبحوا تيّارات تتجاذبهم صراعات داخلية حادة».
وأكّدت الأوساط «لن نعادي المستقبل، إلا أنّنا لن نسلّمه قيادة الطائفة السُنّية «على عماها». فالاتصالات معه قائمة، والنقاش بيننا مستمر، وقد انطلق أساساً من نقطة اعتراضنا على سعيه لإنشاء ميليشيا سُنّية، تحت اسم «الأفواج» أو «فرع المعلومات»، إلا أن «سقوط» بيروت كان الشعرة التي قصمت ظهر البعير، وفشل تجربتهم فشلاً ذريعاً أوصل علاقتنا بهم إلى هذه المرحلة».
وسخرت هذه الأوساط من التخويف من أنّ «السلفيين والمتشدّدين سيرثون المستقبل إذا سقط»، وقالت: «إنّنا غير مؤهلين لقيادة الشارع السُنّي، ولسنا مستعدين للدخول في صراع على السلطة، لأنّها آخر همّنا، بل ندخل فقط في صراع للدفاع عن وجودنا كسُنّة»، »
وإذ قالت هذه الأوساط: «نيّتنا إجراء حوار مع حزب الله، وحتى مع السوريين لاحقاً، ولو عادوا إلى لبنان لأيّدناهم انطلاقاً من مبدئنا بعدم الخروج على الحاكم، علماً بأنّ تواصلنا مع الطرفين لم ينقطع»، أشارت إلى أنّ «عدم الصدق وانعدام الثقة تسبّبا بوصول العلاقة بين المستقبل وحزب الله إلى ما هي عليه، وأنّه يجب توافر عناصر الصراحة والوضوح وتقدير هواجس الآخر وتطمينه في أي حوار لإنجاحه»، مؤكّدة أنّ «أيّ حوار بيننا وبين الحزب سينجح».
ونفت الأوساط إمكان أن «تضغط السعودية علينا لردعنا عن توجّهنا، أو المونة علينا، لأن أغلب دعمنا المالي والرعائي نستمده من الكويت، ولكن نسأل: إذا عادت العلاقات بين سوريا والسعودية إلى طبيعتها، فماذا سيكون موقف المستقبل والنائب سعد الحريري خصوصاً إذا طلب منه زيارة دمشق والتفاهم مع السوريين؟».
BREAKING NEWS: Carlos Eddé quits the March 14 coalition!
Head of the Lebanese National Bloc Carlos Eddé said he is quitting the March 14 coalition in order to remain true to his principles... had already declared his intention to leave the coalition the day the constitutional amendment to elect sleiman as president was approved. “The May 7 incidents have consolidated my convictions. The Lebanese Army did not move until after Hezbollah finished its military strike,” Eddé told An-Nahar... also expressed shock that some of those who supported Sleiman’s candidacy could watch their supporters being killed on the streets while the Army stood idly by, “for it had received orders not to do anything...We fear that the coalition will make new compromises because of the ongoing violence,” Eddé said. (we say, his insights and impeccable linguistic aptitudes, will be sorely missed!)
Rice: "Obviously, in any compromise, there are compromises”
In the NYTimes, here
ISRAEL: "A broad consensus in favor of strike against Tehran -- without the Americans -- is beginning to take shape..."
Israel-Hamas Truce To Begin Thursday...

Monday, June 16, 2008
Roed-Larsen: "...Israel has given Syria a huge gift, without thus far receiving anything in exchange.."

"...Get Osama Bin Laden before I leave office, orders George W Bush..."
That must've been quite a joke!

Swiss Smugglers Had Advanced Nuclear Weapons Designs...
"Lame duck envoy of a lame duck: No Red Carpet for Condi in Jerusalem..."
"Strengthening the Partnership: How to Deepen U.S.-Israel Cooperation on the Iranian Nuclear Challenge"

CONFLICT between US Policy & and Interest in the Middle East
Considering the role oil plays in the US and world economies, successive US administrations have managed to secure a stable source of energy while simultaneously enjoying stable and friendly relations with Arab oil producing countries. Historically, Arab governments and markets have easily accommodated US economic interests. One can hardly find a statement by a US official expressing concern for US economic interests in the Arab world.