"'America is something that can be easily moved. Moved to the right direction.They won’t get in our way'" Benjamin Netanyahu
Monday, March 31, 2008
Boeing's Mideast 'adviser' "opposes the creation of a Palestinian State and sees much of the Arab world as an enemy in the making..."

Iranian 'Peacemaker' Gen. Suleimani is on U.S. terrorist watch list
"Le Rapport Qui Derange Israel"
McCain ‘Surprised’ by Iraq Developments
In the NYTimes, here

The Irony Behind Fallon's Ouster
".... Arab display of anger might prove to be a boomerang that, should Syria choose to flex a few additional muscles..."
A Civil War Iraq Can’t Win

Sunday, March 30, 2008
Gen. Suleimani, commander of the Quds brigades of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, played key role in brokering Iraq cease-fire...
Joumblat: "Ne pas blanchir un régime d'assassins!"

Reading Khameni: The World View of Iran's Most Powerful Leader
'Secret' Saud Al Faisal visit to Damascus .... to discuss Saudi operatives...
.....on Maliki's Motives
"..In Souk El Gharb ..the Lebanese remember something closer to reality .. that the US took sides ..and that operation didn't end particularly well.."

USS New Jersey..
Moqtada Sadr orders his fighters off the streets of Basra and other cities
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Death of the Two-State Solution

"No good can come out of these 3!"
Al Maliki considers the Mahdi Army "more dangerous than Al Qaeda"...
Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Smart Way Out of a Foolish War
More on Basra, South Iraq and Iran

Friday, March 28, 2008
Clinton would consider limited talks with Hamas "if Israel agrees" ...

"To what extent could this operation in Basra be seen as an American attempt to secure their supply lines in view of a forthcoming attack on Iran?"

Secretary Rice in Beirut tomorrow?
Investigator: Hariri killed by criminals
Daniel Bellemare said in his first report to the U.N. Security Council on Friday that evidence indicates the so-called "Hariri Network" existed before his assassination on Feb. 14, 2005.
He said the evidence also indicates it conducted surveillance of the former premier, and that at least part of the network continued to operate after he was killed along with 22 others in a bombing in Beirut.
Friday's report did not name any suspects in Hariri's assassination.
ANALYSIS: Isolating Syria serves to highlight its importance

Iraqi General Military Intelligence Dir. Doc.: grandfather of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, founder of the school, was Dönme—that is, a crypto-Jew..
Areas of Baghdad fall to militias as Iraqi Army falters in Basra

Montagnards Veterans...
"Punishing Hamas Has Backfired"
What's Behind the Saudi Snub of the Syrian Summit?
![]() |
"... Shhh... you're disturbing our deliberations..." |
Iraqi Prime Minister ‘Irrelevant’ in Shiite Power Struggle
Thursday, March 27, 2008
German-Based IRANIAN Journalist arrested by Turks for 'assisting the FBI in the flight of Gen. Alireza Ashgari from Iran..

EXCLUSIVE: McCain’s Foreign Affairs Speech Plagiarizes 1996 Address By Adm. Timothy Ziemer (UPDATED)»
Ziemer | McCain |
War is awful and when nations seek to resolve their differences by fighting, a million tragedies ensue. [Link] | When nations seek to resolve their differences by force of arms, a million tragedies ensue. [Link] |
War is wretched beyond description. [Link] | It might not be the worst thing to befall human beings, but it is wretched beyond all description. [Link] |
Nothing, not the valor with which it is fought, nor the cause with which it serves can glorify war. [Link] | Not the valor with which it is fought nor the nobility of the cause it serves, can glorify war. [Link] |
WINEP on the Damascus Arab Summit: Arab Divisions Ensure Modest
Syrian Tycoon Bristles At US Sanctions Against Him

IFRI: "Iran's 'risk taking' in perspective"
Hezbollah rockets can reach Dimona ..
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The worst the Sunni-Takfiris can do is "some attack that might be bloody in nature but certainly not mortal to any of the societies of the West..."

MEPGS: "...If you don't stop them in Lebanon, they will come to the Gulf..."
What US officials see as Saudi Arabia's "uncharacteristically bold" approach toward Syria ... based mainly on two considerations. The first is the assassination of Rafik Hariri, a long time confidante of the Saudi ruling family. The second and more strategic consideration is the belief, as one Arab diplomat put it last week, "The Syrians need to be taught not to rely on Iran." Indeed, it is the fear of a rising Iran and the radicalization that it promotes, that has led to the conclusion, as one veteran diplomat put it last week, "If you don't stop them in Lebanon, they will come to the Gulf.
....Still, the US has its work cut out. Veteran US analysts believe that the Saudis are convinced the Bush Administration is to blame for the growing problems of the region. One US analyst explained the Saudi view this way, "We let Iran into Iraq..."after seven years in office, the Administration is, in the view of one well placed official, "...seen to it that the US is neither, feared, liked or respected."
Still, US officials from the President on down, continue, in fact, have redoubled their efforts to address regional problems. President Bush will make his second visit this year to the Middle East in May... attend[ing] ceremonies marking Israel's 60th independence and ...meet[ing] again with Palestinian leaders ....also surely include a stopover in Amman, omitted from his last visit.... the President may make return visits to Riyadh and Cairo, say
Administration insiders...Rice, too, will continue to make regular visits to the region, including one this weekend. Her focus tends to be on Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, which US officials describe as "going well as can be expected" considering the situation on the ground in Gaza, where Hamas rules and the fact that talks are being conducted by two weak leaders, Palestinian Abu Mazen and Israeli Ehud Barak. ..."These are `shelf' talks. No wonder they are going well. They are going nowhere"....[ leaving ] key (US) official has repeatedly call[ing] for the "decapitation" of Hamas leadership, arguing that such an approach worked in 2004].
ineffective, not to mention equally embarrassing to some. Last week, for example, Secretary Rice met with former Christian warlord Samir Geagea, prompting one of her aides to defend the decision by pointing out that he was "no worse" a character than Druze leader Walid Jumblatt who has gotten ..."the full White House treatment ." Other measures to help the Lebanese, such as support for its national army has again been more rhetorical than real. The explanation offered privately is that any serious arming of the Lebanese Armed Forces runs the risk of falling into the hands of Hezbollah some time in the future....
.....Ultimately, some veteran US officials predict that the current Lebanese government will suffer, in the words of one State Department official a "slow, slow death." Speaking for a number of his colleagues he says, "As long as Syria and Hezbollah want Lebanon to be weak, there is no way to turn this thing around." Even the prospect of the convening of an International Tribunal to investigate the assassination of Hariri, scheduled to be up and running by June... elicits little prospect of altering the situation on the ground in Lebanon. Although it does rattle the Syrians ...(but) recent signs from those involved in putting together the prosection have not been encouraging.
According to informed sources, the Dutch, who will host the Tribunal in the Hague, are getting increasingly nervous as they confront the prospect of a trial which exposes them to danger but has little prospect of bringing the perpetrators to justice....
BREAKING: Condi Rice Flirts With VP Possibility

Who are the "Iraqi Security Forces?"

For a new Iran policy
Cheney 'Iran' Allegations, contradict International findings...
Cheney's comment also contradicted the assessment of U.S. intelligence agencies, which concluded in a report revealed late last year that Iran had halted its efforts to develop nuclear weapons in 2003..."
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
So You Wanna Be a Hizballah Fighter?
Report accuses BBC of bias against Israel during Second Lebanon War
Frontline: "Bush's War" (Part I)
"....We paid the INC millions of Dollars to ... shove crap at us...."

The Gulf growing weary of the Lebanon ..no longer sees the failure to resolve the conflict as meriting action against Syria..."

Le sous-préfet limogé se défend d'être violemment anti-israélien

Mubarak' & Abdallah's Arab-Summits' attendance record
Egyptian government scrambles to ease bread shortages amid political crisis

A Debate among the Sunnis: "How al Qaeda Will Perish"
Monday, March 24, 2008
Is 'success' of U.S. surge in Iraq about to unravel?

(Muqtada & Mottaki)
The naive armchair warriors are fighting a delusional war
"Calls for the west to use force to restore its values in the face of radical Islam reveal a profound detachment from reality" says Alastair Crooke (nemesis of Mustapha Alloush), in the GUARDIAN, here, via War&Piece "..............No, the west's war is a military response to ideas that question western supremacy and power. The nature of this war on "extremism" became evident when five former chiefs of defence staff of Nato states gathered at a think-tank in Washington earlier this year. Their aim was not to query the realism of a war on ideas, but to empower Nato for an "uncertain world"......."
Why we should fear a McCain presidency

Petraeus: Iran 'behind Green Zone attack'

DoD takes action to assure the extension of the authority of US military law over all civilians serving with or for US military forces
Report: Iranian, Syrian missiles to pound Israel in next war
Massive public debt remains biggest challenge for Lebanese banks
Saudi Inflation Reaches 27-Year High
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Israel shifts stance on agreement with Hezbollah
"...Israel has a carte blanche to kill, destroy and settle..."
.....not genuine is the idea that blind, unconditional friendship is friendship. The support for Israel as a just enterprise that is extended by most of the West does not mean accepting all of its caprices. A true friend of Israel, one that is sincerely concerned for its fate, is only that friend who dares to express sharp criticism of its policy of occupation, which poses the most serious risk to its future....."
Father of Iran’s drive for nuclear warhead named?
"...German Intelligence Was 'Dishonest, Unprofessional and Irresponsible'..."
The Treasury department has issued a warning of the risks of doing business with Iran’s central bank
Saturday, March 22, 2008
US immigrant veterans' new battle
Friday, March 21, 2008
"The longer we stay in Lebanon, the harder it will be for us to leave..trapped by the case we make for having our troops there in the 1st place"
As Tensions Rise in Lebanon, Residents Again Fear the Worst
Thursday, March 20, 2008
State Department accused of shilling for Iran..

"The Bush Legacy Project" to make sure that Bush's approval ratings stay low...is going to be a smashing success!

Cheney's former chief of staff disbarred
Iraq: "America in Muslim eyes"
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Bush keeps talking about Iraq, but no one can understand what he says

(King Canute, in his attempt either to turn the tide, or demonstrate the impossibility of doing so..)
Security forces fear double Hezbollah revenge attack in Israel and abroad
CNN's Kyra Phillips "gently corrected" by Gen. Petraeus as she repeats McCain's Iran-AQI gaffe ...