"'America is something that can be easily moved. Moved to the right direction.They won’t get in our way'" Benjamin Netanyahu
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tareq Mitri "blindsided" at Annapolis
EU Official: "The US wanted Syria so much in Annapolis, that it backed off its committments to ... Saad Hariri"
Michel Sleiman's 'Candidacy': Beyond the "out loud"
Sy Hersh's "reporting secrets"

Thursday, November 29, 2007
'FUTURE' movement denies that talk of Amending the Constitution for Sleiman, "represents the consensus of the movement"

U.S. sponsorship of Sunni groups worries Iraq's government
Aoun 'accepts' Sleiman's candidacy, and M14's Quarantined MPs move to Riviera Hotel, as expenses become an 'issue'

The Elephant in Annapolis' Living Room
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
M14 agrees to 'amend' the Constitution for Michel Sleiman. Do they really?
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"Hariri proposes, Geagea disposes"
Richard Perle is again propping up regime-toppling Mideast dissidents who lack credibility
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Iran's Secret Weapon: 'The Pope'
"...If the situation heats up in the coming months, the question of exactly what role the Vatican would play could become pivotal. Says one high-ranking Vatican official: "The Iranians look to the Holy See with particular attention. It is born from our common religious matrix. This could be utilized to offer ourselves as an intermediary if the crisis worsens." Among the potential moves: a forceful series of public appeals by the Pope, a Vatican emissary sent to Washington and Tehran, or a visit to the Vatican by Iranian President President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad."
Feltman explains to Newsweek:"The Thin Red Line Between Promoting and Meddling"
FELTMAN: Well, I don't know if you speak Arabic. But Al-Akhbar [a pro-Hizbullah paper] translates, in English, as "The News." Now: Al-Akhbar has no akhbar. [Laughs.] ...
"Lebanon's Presidential Crisis"
In Annapolis, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas & PIJ have the biggest impact
Bush to open Mideast conference, but won't stay for discussion
Monday, November 26, 2007
Bush-Al Maliki 'teleconference' allows US troops to stay in Iraq "indefinitely"
"Lebanon needs some love"
Lowest Point in US Diplomacy: "Handling of the 2006 Lebanese war"
"...Glenn Kessler, a diplomatic correspondent for The Washington Post, was star-struck when he first met Rice, at the 1992 Republican National Convention. “She was poised and elegant, charming but forceful — and utterly sure of herself.” In “The Confidante,” a brilliantly reported book, he treats her like a star; but he also looks unflinchingly at her record in office. And the picture he gives is dismal..." Read more, here
Sunday, November 25, 2007
"Annapolis a Diplo-show of force with very little substance'
'Lebanon's Opposition lets Lahoud & itself down"

'The Syrian Opportunity'
American tactics against Hizbullah resemble those directed against Hamas in Gaza
A Glimmer of Optimism on the U.S.-Iran Front?
At Mideast Talks, U.S. and Israel Seek to Isolate Iran by Wooing Syria
Saturday, November 24, 2007
In Beirut, people are moving out of their homes, just as they have in Baghdad
Return of the Neocon?
Friday, November 23, 2007
President Emile Lahoud declares State of Emergency
Annapolis "1786" pulled a Constitution & a Nation out of a "mess".

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Annapolis and After
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US congress: Iraq's foreign militants 'come from US allies' through Jordan
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Aoun' proposal repelled, as March14 readies for a symbolic show in Parliament and a "quiet" transition to Siniora's "Regence"
"Trying to Save Lebanon, ... Again"
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Lebanon's 'vacuum': An all around request, whilst the Damascus-Washington square dance materializes
'A powder keg in Lebanon'
"Chirac mis en examen"

M. Chirac a été le signataire d'un contrat établi par la Ville de Paris en faveur d'Alain Costecalde, chauffeur du sénateur RPR Lucien Lanier, faussement affecté au cabinet du maire en qualité de chargé de mission, le 10 janvier 1990. Dans un texte publié dans Le Monde daté du jeudi 22 novembre, l'ancien président de la République veut replacer cette affaire dans le contexte de l'époque et tente d'expliquer les raisons de ces embauches successives.

"Beirut Is Not Tehran"
"3. The U.S. insists on seeing the conflict in Lebanon through the prism of its greater clash with Iran ...this is a huge mistake. While we're viewing Hizbollah as a conflict with Iran, some of our allies in Lebanon and the greater Middle East are funding and manipulating some nasty transnational Sunni terror groups -- the kind of guys who were not only responsible for the recent fighting in Nahr al-Bared but also the worst terror attacks in Iraq. (Oh, and that whole 9/11 thing.) We said post-9/11 that we would not allow another terrorist safe haven after Afghanistan, but that's exactly what the Palestinian refugee camps have become -- often with the support of U.S. allies..."
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The Cedars Revolution is on the verge of a crushing political defeat over the next few days, and at the hands of its own politicians
"...Deploying an aircraft carrier strike group into the eastern Mediterranean could balance the weight of the Iranian Pasdaran and their missiles deployed in Lebanon, so that Tehran and Damascus aren't the only powers present in that small country..."
"Lebanon bids President Lahoud farewell"
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It looks like, Michel Edde or "Le Deluge" (Not Murphy's "Chaos")
'Lebanon still in political deadlock'
"Dear President Bush and Secretary Rice..."
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Monday, November 19, 2007
"... we're going to go into Iran and what do we have to do to get you guys to along with it"

Michel Aoun: «Je peux faire le pont entre les différentes forces du Liban»

63% of Lebanese "favor a Military Takeover" and 77% ask for a "Referendum on Lebanon's identity"

Annapolis - Why Bother?
"...The Palestinians see the process as one in which the American super-power gives its blessing to the rough outline of what a final settlement will be.
In pursuit of that vision, the Palestinians want there to be a document agreed on between them and the Israelis which gives the shape of what the final settlement will be and they want it in advance. Anything else they see as merely another trick..."
Kouchner: :"some parties are sabotaging the process and France is going to publicly denounce those parties..."

OBG: Lebanon's "fiscal future in the balance" while Syria enjoys "Turkish Delights"
Expectations low for U.S.-Mideast peace talks: "The Incredible Shrinking Middle East Peace Summit"
Sunday, November 18, 2007
While he met with Sec. Gen. of the UN, Geagea' goons tried to occupy the offices of the LBC
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Lebanon's 'roller-coaster': France (& minions) going for Edde, while 'Muslims' drool over Ghanem & Aoun/Geagea' 'boycott' Sfeir's "list"

Kouchner: 'France is not ruling out a military strike on Iran'

British govt' faces row with Bush over 'substantial' financial support to Tehran

The IAEA's "real views" on the Iranian Nuclear Program
"Remember how the bush-cheney cabal was quite critical of this agreement with iran and has declared that even iran's full compliance with this agreement won't suffice. that seems to be the reason that we have seen so much el-baradei bashing recently. Iran IS cooperating with the iaea as requested, and the info that iran has/is providing IS consistant with the iaea findings. in short, a positive report which also makes no mention of any nuclear weapons programs or any such stuff. four points to keep in mind with the report:
- 'UNDECLARED ACTIVITIES' AND THE ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL -- the iaea has found NO EVIDENCE of a nuclear weapons program, the iaea can't say that iran's nuclear activities are exclusively peaceful since the iaea can't verify the absence of undeclared nuclear activities in iran. the report requests that iran once again implement the additional protocol. keep in mind:
- the iaea doesn't veirty the absence of undeclared nuclear activities for any nation unless they have signed and ratified the additional protocol. according to the iaea there are currently 40 other nations for which the iaea can't similary verify the absence of undeclared nuclear activities. i.e. egypt (which rice recently lauded as a 'model' nuclear program) have refused to even sign the additional protocol, unlike iran.
- iran voluntarily implemented the additional protocol by allowing more stringent inspections for 2 years during the course of the paris agreement negotiations with the eu3 (even though iran wasn't legally obligated to do so) -- and still no evidence of nuclear weapons was found in iran. the 'stuff' the bush-cheney cabal a.k.a. admin. has given the iaea of 'secret' iranian nuclear facilities had been BOGUS [ see: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/02/25/MNGGKOAR681.DTL&feed=rss.news ]. iran has stopped providing that additional level of cooperation and stopped voluntarily implementing the additional protocol when THE EU TRIED TO CHEAT IRAN in the the paris agreement negotiations. iran has repeatedly stated its willingness to ratify and implement the additional protocol once its nuclear rights are recognized.
- issues resolved -- the issue of iran's experiments with plutonium has been resolved. this particular isn't mentioned in the nov 07 report. but the modalities agreement of aug 07 stated that such had been resolved.
- outstanding issues -- traces of highly enriched uranium where were found in iran, but to date iran's statements about those 'traces' have been verified by the iaea to be accurate [ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/22/AR2005082201447_pf.html ] the traces in question were attributable to contamination from imported centrifuge parts. iran doesn't have the capacity to make highly enriched uranium, it barely manages to make low level uranium.
- no suspension of enrichment. iran's enrichment process is fully monitored by the iaea and determined fully legal on iran's part." Jim Herring
Lebanon is Hanging by a Thread: 'Diplomatic Pleasantries Have Been Discarded'

Mohamad Shattah: "The Siniora Government will hold the reins of Power when Pres. Lahoud leaves Office"

America and Israel are 'secretly' drawing up plans to deal with Iran
U.S. 'Secretly' Aids Pakistan in Guarding Nuclear Arms
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Syria (and Saudi Arabia) will come to Annapolis
State Department Iraq ‘Weenies’ Do Have a Point
Friday, November 16, 2007
Abbas settles for the return Home of 20,000 Palestinians, and offers Olmert an end to the "Dispute"
Brookings: "Fatah al Islam was not a mechanical creation of Syrian intelligence"
"Get used to the Iranian bomb & give back to Syria the control of Lebanon"
On "The Big Question of Iraq", Amatzia Baram, Tom Ricks & ... others
Amatzia Baram
Haifa University"
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Peres relays to Turkey "secret" info on Iran
Tough homecoming for Lebanon's refugees
DoD blogger-roundtable adopts the rhetoric of the Sunni "regimes & minions"
U.S. Intelligence & Rice: Iran Possesses Trillions Of Potentially Dangerous Atoms
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
'Some' of Emile Lahoud's choices

Lang on Israeli manipulation of World opinion & the "Imminent" Iranian nuclear threat
These are the kinds of question that should be considered. Instead, the world is subjected to propaganda and information operations designed to push public opinion toward another war.
Debate on whether to invite Syria to Annapolis or not leaves "a lot of blood on the floor"
US stategy in Iraq: After Abou Abed ... now "cash"!
Hamas "fighting like an Army" is good news for the IDF?
"The Middle East's Nuclear Dark Age"
Monday, November 12, 2007
Fmr. Chief of Mossad Halevy: 'The US & Israel should look for ways to establish a creative dialogue with Iran & Syria'
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Libby: 'Precise' location of Iraq's WMDs: LEBANON
Read more on Drogin's book in George Will's "review", here in the WaPo.
Lang on "Tom Friedman, David Brooks and the Church of the 'What's Happening Now!'"
Meet 'Abu Abed': the US's new ally against al-Qaida
Saturday, November 10, 2007
'NIE' on Iran held up for more than a year in effort to force 'spooks' to remove dissenting judgments
Iran Policy Counterattack
Friday, November 9, 2007
SYRIA:Options and Implications for Lebanon and The Region
Murmur: The US did away with elections with a "simple majority" quorum
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Whisper: The US' Lebanon "Dark Horse"
Rice in Lebanon: "Hard to Digest"
The United States’ new backyard
David Welsh: 'Gen. Aoun could be added to the "list" of those working to undermine Siniora's government'
Lebanon's militias rearm before vote
State Department "effectively kills" a program to disburse millions of dollars to Iran's liberal opposition
'The Iranian Challenge'
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Review: Khalil Gibran's "Collected Works"
Flynt Leverett: 'All or Nothing: The Case for a U.S.-Iranian "Grand Bargain"
A letter from Iran: "Don't preempt"
Patriarche Sfeir refuses to 'arbitrate' Lebanese Presidential election