Sunday, June 9, 2013

NOT in MSM: "Hizbullah facilitated the transfer of hundreds of injured Syrian fighters into Lebanese hospitals"

NewTV visits Qusayr and Homs
"This won't be in Western media, for sure.  New TV (which has been quite critical of the Syrian regime and was the most courageous channel during years of the domination by Syrian regime in Lebanon, notwithstanding its ties to the Qatari regime) visited Qusayr and its Rif and Homs.  Most interesting.  They talked to some civilians who were quite critical of the armed groups. You won't see that in any Western media.  The correspondent was also shocked to see so much life and activities in Homs, given the Western and Arab media coverage of the city.   They also showed part of a prison run by the armed groups. Will Human Rights Watch ever visit and report about prisons and torture chambers run by Syrian armed groups? We know the answer.  It also reported that Hizbullah facilitated the transfer of hundreds of injured Syrian fighters into Lebanese hospitals.  It said that many of them are not even Arabs."

1 comment:

Clothcap said...

Thanks. There is so much the western press are not telling.