Sunday, May 12, 2013

Syrians at the AIPAC/ Winep Symposium: 'Bomb Assad so that we can have peace with Israel!'

 'Seen at the Washington lair of Zionism!'
"... The annual Soref policy conference attracts participants ranging from Middle East experts to Israeli and Arab policy makers. Speaking to Israeli reporters, two speakers affiliated with the Syrian opposition addressed the possibility of a US aerial attack against the forces of Bashar Assad's regime.
"A few American aerial strikes will cause Assad's regime to collapse. Indeed, Israel has carried out an attack with surgical precision, without any problems" said one of the leaders of the Syrian diaspora in the US, who wished to remain anonymous.
He and his associate were optimistic regarding the possibility that a future democratic Syrian government will ease tensions with Israel.
"There is no reason one democracy should harbor hostilities to another, and if Israel agrees to territorial compromises in the Golan Heights, Syria can establish peace with Israel, because otherwise there is no animosity between the two peoples," he declared.'

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