Wednesday, April 24, 2013

More from that GCC offensive against Qatar/ MB in Syria

Saudi instigated this offensive against Qatar & those it finances in MSM, here, in the WaPo:
"...The hadith in question was recorded as, “Allah is Good and likes what is fragrant; he is Clean and likes cleanliness; he is Generous and likes generosity; he is Munificent and likes munificence. So clean (I think he said, your courtyards), and do not imitate the Jews.” Thanks to the Wall Street Journal’s Tom Gara for finding this hadith, which is somewhat obscure; it dates to the 12th century, 500 years after Mohammed is said to have said it, and is not clearly attributed.What seems more significant than someone in the 12th century thinking the Prophet Mohammed said this is the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood’s official Web site seemed to believe that “don’t be like the Jews and Christians” is good advice for young girls and an appropriate way to encourage them to clean their rooms. ..."

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