Tuesday, December 4, 2012

'Who is inciting young Lebanese men & sending them on the road to perdition, aka, 'Jihad in Syria'?

[AsSafir] "... To find the missing links, one has to first find answers to a lot of questions. Chief among these are the following: What group do these young men belong to? And what is its nature? Who encouraged them to do such a thing? Who was responsible for coordinating them? Who sent them? Who met them at the border? Why did they fall victim to the ambush? Is it because of their lack of military experience or due to their lack of knowledge of the geography of the region? Where they betrayed or did they fall victim to the work of an intelligence or security apparatus?
The way fighters left to seek "jihad" in Syria is very similar to what happened in early 2000 — despite differences in destination, purpose and political conditions — when a large number of Islamist “jihadists” from Tripoli traveled to Jrood al-Dinniyeh for weapons training, etc. This was followed by military confrontations between them and the Lebanese army. At the time, the Lebanese army managed to eliminate them and detain those who survived in the town of Kfar Habou. This is now known as the Dinniyeh events.
This is also similar to when Islamic jihadist elements from the Fatah al-Islam organization were grouped in apartments in Tripoli in preparation for a security operation that was being prepared for the city in 2007. Back then, the army and the security forces carried out a raid on al-Miatayn street and the al-Zahrieh district, thus eliminating them. subsequently, the army and security forces devoted themselves to dismantling the structure of this organization in the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp in "the 106-Day War."..."

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