Saturday, November 10, 2012

Islamists cloaked with secular lab guinea pigs!

What AP failed to report is that the Muslim Brotherhood (brilliant in hiding behind secular/leftists/ ...) 'secured' 23 out of 41 seats on the SNC! 
[AP] "... Sabra, a Christian and left-wing veteran dissident, spent eight years in Syrian jails in the 1980s and 1990s. He was jailed twice after the outbreak of the uprising against Assad in March 2011, and fled to Jordan on foot in the fall of 2011 to avoid further detention. As a Christian, Sabra's election late Friday as the new SNC president, could help counter Western concerns about possible Islamist influence over the group... Asked Friday what he wants from the international community, Sabra said: "Weapons, weapons, weapons."...... "

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