Sunday, May 20, 2012

The campaign for the return of this manicured man is in full swing!

"... Notwithstanding these dilemmas, Beirut was caught between a rock and a hard place, although the times required clairvoyance. The army has been accused of tacitly supporting the Syrian regime, but yesterday's incident threw the Miqati government in a predicament with some suggesting he has "lost" the north of the country. Many believe a spillover of the conflict is inevitable since the Lebanese government has been essentially helping the Syrian regime stay afloat.Allegations of arms smuggling, along with essential humanitarian assistance extended by the people of Akkar to their Syrian brethren, provoked Damascus to point fingers.
Bashar Al Assad's government added pressure on Beirut to deploy the army against Sunni Lebanese who, for the most part, stood with the Syrian opposition.
Likewise, and although too early to affirm with any certainty, it was difficult to see how Miqati could even secure his own re-election in the 2013 parliamentary elections when the vast majority of Sunnis oppose him..."

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