Sunday, March 11, 2012

US won't save Israel from hanging itself

"... There's no doubt that the United States has never been interested in the sources of the conflict with the Palestinians, but rather tries to benefit by nurturing it, fanning its flames, paying for it and "conducting negotiations" via the strong side to gain control in the region. There's no better example than the scuttling of the agreed-on solution by the two superpowers after the Yom Kippur War, in favor of a partial agreement that ensured control over the Palestinians and the extension of the settlements...."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nonsense. The Israeli infiltration of all of the levers of power in the US- think tanks, Congress, media, Wall St, military etc mean that its sayanim network of Pollards will do what is right for ISRAEL under "American" cover. This US-Iz 'dispute' in the media is just disinfo to provide USA with deniability- all the while fully funding, training, supplying the zionists to the fullest extent possible. The rest is just propaganda. US has been no more than an zionist proxy for a long while now. Any 'differences' are internal disagreements between 'extreme' zionists' tactics vs 'moderate' zionists' tactics, with Israeli interests the first second and final concern.