Friday, March 9, 2012

"US & Jordanian militaries jointly developing plans to secure Syria's vast weapons stockpiles"

"... The American and Jordanian militaries are jointly developing plans to secure what is believed to be Syria's vast stockpile of chemical and biological weapons, said U.S. and Arab officials briefed on the discussions.
The groundwork comes amid mounting concerns about Damascus's arsenal of nerve agents and mustard gas at a time of growing instability in the country. One plan would call for Jordanian Special Operations units, acting as part of any broader Arab League peacekeeping mission, to go into Syria to secure nearly a dozen sites thought to contain weapons, these officials said.
A high-level delegation of Jordanian defense officials visited the Pentagon late last month to discuss the threat of Syrian weapons of mass destruction and other security issues, said officials from both governments...Mr. Assad, U.S. officials believe, might be willing to allow Arab League peacekeepers into the country if he—and his Iranian backers—come to believe that such a deal is the best way for him to stay in power.... "

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