Wednesday, March 21, 2012

UNSC backs Annan's Syria plan with a 'watered down' statement!

"... A nonbinding statement approved by the 15 council members and read at a formal meeting spells out Annan's proposals, which include a cease-fire first by the Syrian government, a daily two-hour halt to fighting to evacuate the injured and provide humanitarian aid, and inclusive political talks "to address the legitimate concerns of the Syrian people."In a bid to win support from Russia and China, which have twice vetoed European and U.S.-backed resolutions condemning President Bashar Assad's crackdown on protesters, France watered down the statement to eliminate possible consideration of "further measures," which could include sanctions or military action.
Instead, the presidential statement now asks Annan to update the council regularly on the progress of his mission and says that "in the light of these reports, the Security Council will consider further steps as appropriate."...."

Read more here:

1 comment:

blowback said...

The lying has started. It is not a "cease-fire first by the Syrian government". From William Hague:

I urge the Syrian authorities to take this chance to stop the bloodshed and show their commitment to implementing Kofi Annan's six point plan, including by immediately pulling back the military from in and around population centres.

What the plan actually says:

To this end, the Syrian government shall immediately cease troop movements towards, and end the use of heavy weapons in, population centres, and begin pullback of military concentrations in and around population centres.

There is a very big difference between "pulling back the military" and "pulling back military concentrations" but as he is an ignorant civilian, I would not expect him to understand the difference though his advisers (if they aren't political appointees) should be aware of it and it is at a "military tactics 101" level!