Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Feltman: "Lebanon has a moral obligation to support the fall of Assad!"

(AFP) - WASHINGTON — "Lebanon has a moral obligation to support the fall of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and should use upcoming elections to reject "the apologists of Assad's butchery," a senior US official said.... 
"No one outside of Syria understands the brutality of Bashar al-Assad better than the Lebanese. No one outside of Syria has more of a stake in the outcome than the Lebanese," Feltman told a Lebanese American reception late Monday.
Feltman said that the Cedar Revolution had not yet achieved a Lebanon "free of Assad's manipulation" and of Iranian influence and urged Lebanese to look ahead to parliamentary elections due next year.
"I hope those Lebanese who are here with us today, along with millions of others back home in Lebanon, will again show the world how they can transcend fear -- in order to use those 2013 legislative elections to defeat the remnants of the Syrian occupation and reject the apologists of Assad's butchery," he said...."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lebanon has an 'imperative moral obligation' to ignore Feltman. He has declared to a Lebanese doctor that he will not be happy until 100000 Syrians are dead. So much for his 'righteousness'.