Thursday, January 12, 2012

"But the missing ingredient, so far, is Afghan outrage..."

"... But the missing ingredient, so far, is Afghan outrage. There have yet to be protests, let alone violence — although it’s possible that will take time to build. Yet just this past spring, Afghans rioted in response to a preacher who burned Korans in Florida, which occurred shortly after photos surfaced of a rogue U.S. “kill team” posing with their gruesome trophies. Twenty people died in those riots after protesters in Mazar-e-Sharif stormed a United Nations compound.
The U.S. isn’t taking any chances. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta called the video “utterly deplorable.”... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has read With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa by Eugene Sledge will know that this is one of the many glorious traditions of the USMC.

Has anyone ever checked the mouths of those killed in Afghanistan by the USMC to see if they have had very recent dental surgery?