Sunday, November 20, 2011

WSJ: 'The US pressures Lebanon to commit euthanasia!'

"...In the newest economic assault on the Assad regime, the U.S. Treasury Department, and its partners in Europe and the Middle East, have targeted what they believe are its principal financing channels now that its links to Europe's banking centers have been cut off.
A principal focus in this campaign, according to these officials, is Lebanon. Syria controlled Beirut's political class and security apparatus until 2005, when a popular uprising forced Mr. Assad to recall Damascus's troops from the country. But Syria maintains close ties to Hezbollah, the political party and militia that gained control of the Lebanese government in January.
This month the Treasury sent its assistant secretary focused on illicit financing, Daniel Glaser, to Beirut to meet monetary authorities. Mr. Glaser warned the Lebanese that their banks risked being blacklisted if ... (they are) seen aiding Hezbollah, Syria or Iran.
Mr. Glaser also visited Jordan and Russia during his trip, countries the U.S. believes could help Damascus conduct business...
"We need to reorient our exports away from Europe and to the free markets of Asia," Syria's ambassador to the U.S., Imad Moustapha, said in an interview.
Still, analysts say the Syrian government is in an increasing financial bind. "Syria's economy will contract substantially as a result of the EU oil sanctions, with a particularly severe recession if Syria is unable to find alternative buyers for its oil," said Oussama Kanaan, the International Monetary Fund's mission chief for Syria.
Syrians in Damascus describe setbacks to businesses, but otherwise paint a scene of normal daily life, with supermarkets stocked and cafés brimming with people in the evenings."

1 comment:

Confident Founding Senior Member of the FLC said...

I will never cease to be amazed by the wishful thinking that passes for solid analysis. Syria has already found outlets for its oil and the shift towards the East is a strategic shift. At worst, sanctions will be a nuisance. As to Lebanon, most of its business is with Arab countries. Pressuring Lebanon is not only counterproductive but will force Lebanon to seek alternative outlets than in the West. Already, the largest trading partner with Lebanon is China!!! Hence, US and European bankrupt economies and flawed political elites are no more than barking dogs, and the caravan moves on without them