Friday, November 18, 2011

Hey! This is how we will aggress Iran!

As the Old bedridden woman said to Jerry: "You tricky tricky white boy!"
"... Whatever Israel ultimately decides to do about Iran’s program, one mission for now is clear. A senior Israeli official told The Daily Beast this month that one important objective of Israel's political strategy on Iran was to persuade Iranian decision makers that a military strike against their nuclear infrastructure was a very real possibility. "The only known way to stop a nuclear program is to have smashing sanctions with a credible military threat. Libya is the best example of this," this official said.
At the same time, if past practice is any guide, the Israelis would not likely strike at the same moment that their officials are discussing the prospect in the press (Wow! I mean Wow!). In other words, if Israel is openly discussing a military strike, it is unlikely to be imminent..."

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