Sunday, October 23, 2011

"You cannot get rid of these people. You have to deal with them."

"... And that, in a nutshell, is the dilemma facing the U.S. and anyone else who worries that the Arab world's Islamists could turn out to be like the Muslim revolutionaries who seized control in Iran 32 years ago — authoritarian, hostile and democratic only in name.Many of the Islamists aren't liberal pluralists at heart. They want Islam to be their countries' official religion. They want some form of Sharia to be the basis of civil law. They don't likeIsrael, and they don't like U.S. policy on Israel.
All that has made many Americans identify the Islamists as an outcome to the revolutions that we can't live with. Some members of Congress have suggested that U.S. aid to Egypt be cut off if the Muslim Brotherhood wins a majority in the country's parliament.
But there are three problems with that kind of thinking: The Islamists are a legitimate political force, they're likely to win in free elections, and they're not going away...."

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