Thursday, September 15, 2011

"The momentum is dying in Damascus ..."

"...The momentum is “dying” in Damascus, said Alexander Page, an activist based in the capital who uses a pseudonym to protect his identity. He said he knew Matar and has seen nearly 20 other colleagues disappear into detention. “A lot of people have gone into hiding, and a lot of people are not taking part in protests,” he said.
Many activists suspect that informants have penetrated their ranks. Some believe captured protesters have divulged names under torture. Increasingly, the security forces seem to know in advance when a protest is planned and are on hand to round up the participants...
Exactly how Matar died isn’t clear. A video of his body shows what relatives suspect are burn marks caused by electric shocks. There appeared to be bruising around his throat. There were also two bullet wounds to his abdomen, and some witnesses reported a car chase and shooting as the men were captured ..."

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