Tuesday, August 2, 2011

WINEP/AIPAC: "Seize the Iranian Embassy!"

I suggest we put (Isramerican) Jorish out of his misery and transfer all the below mentioned international organizations to Switzerland, and then enforce a 'no-visit' embargo on all Iranian officials!
"... Likewise, the contrast between the freedom of movement Iranian officials enjoy in the United States and the restrictions on American officials’ travel to Iran is stark. Iran has a diplomatic mission at the United Nations and a fully staffed interests section housed in the Pakistani embassy in Washington; Iranian officials come to Washington to attend International Monetary Fund and World Bank meetings; and Iranian officials receive visas to attend engagements of prominent international organizations in the United States. The Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has come to New York several times during his presidency to attend United Nations meetings, from which he cannot be barred. And each time, American taxpayers have been left to foot the bill for his large security detail.
No American president has traveled to Tehran since 1977 and American government officials rarely travel there in an official capacity. If American officials were welcome in Tehran they would need significant security coverage and the Iranian government could not be counted on to provide or pay for it...."

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