Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Some of Syria's 'peaceful protesters' showing their stripes!

'Massacred Syrian soldiers/security thrown in the Assi (Orontes) River!'
(CNN)-"...But one prominent anti-government activist, who asked not to be named because of the dangers that could arise from the release of the information, told CNN the state TV account was correct.
The bodies are those of Syrian secret police killed by Syrian fighters from Iraq who have joined the anti-government fight, said the activist, who gets information about the goings-on in Syria from an extensive network of informants.
That same activist stressed that the antagonists are not representative of the protest movement ..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should mention that this is HAMA the sooo peacefull.

و الله راح انخرب بيتهم

this proves that it's HAMA