Friday, June 3, 2011

Seymour Hersh: "Disaster looming!"

Seymour Hersh on the Arab Spring, "Disaster" U.S. Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the Looming Crisis in Iraq

1 comment:

Alexno said...

I didn't think much of Hersh's warnings on Iraq. I'm sure it is true there are Sunni Ba'thists in Damascus slavering at the mouth to get back into Iraq, once the US withdraws - it is a meme endlessly repeated by Juan Cole, but he's given it up now, and wisely. The Sunni revolt was defeated, I don't see any interest in coming out again.

And the Alawi-dominated Ba'thists in Syria, currently fighting a a revolt majorly based among the Sunnis, are they going to seriously support a Sunni-based move in Iraq, other than as a diversion?