Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Saudis calling the shots in Egypt!

"... Egypt’s new leaders have inherited Mubarak’s dilemma – how to realize the country’s aspiration to lead the Arab world without angering its Saudi benefactors. For this reason, the Egyptian-Iranian rapprochement will yield more photo opportunities than tangible results. On opposite sides of religious and ethnic divides, a close bilateral relationship would seem unlikely under even the best circumstances. And, with Egypt in need of massive financial aid to offset the economic losses caused by its February revolution, its leaders can ill afford to alienate the Saudis, who view Iran, not Israel, as the gravest threat to regional stability.
Egypt is entering a new era. But the radical policy upheavals predicted by analysts will prove to be small tremors. Saudi interests will continue to weigh heavily on Egyptian foreign policy. And that, above all, means preserving the status quo."


Anonymous said...

meet the author,
Barak Barfi

Strategic Founding Senior Member of the FLC said...

Again, wishful thinking. Egypt's leaders, especially within the armed forces and intelligence apparatus view Israel as the existential enemy despite all posturing to the contrary. Interviews with key intelligence officers have confirmed that the national security of Egypt starts at the Taurus mounains in the North, at the Zagros mountains in the North East, at the Nile's sources in the South and at Agadir in the West. THis means that they will be doing whatever is needed to ensure that and that means for those who are thickheaded that counterning Israel and limiting US influence. Also, these officers believe that the US is in a strategic retreat and will therefore count less and less.