Sunday, June 5, 2011

"In charting its course on Syria, Bahrain & Yemen, the US will pay great heed to Saudi 'views'"

"... The focus on Asia does not mean that the Middle East is losing priority. While officials wholly discount progress on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, the dynamics of the 'Arab Spring' are increasingly troubling. The Administration's Libya policy faces mounting opposition in Congress. We doubt that this will much affect the already limited US engagement there, but the main US focus lies with Yemen, Syria and Bahrain. Administration policy continues to be drawn in the conflicting directions of reform and and stability. In charting its course, the US will pay great heed to the views of Saudi Arabia. On top of these major foreign policy dilemmas, domestically President Obama faces an increasingly uncertain economic landscape.  The latest – and disappointing – job numbers have given the Republicans fresh hope that Obama may be more vulnerable in 2012 than appeared to be the case some weeks ago. Obama will certainly be devoting more time to domestic affairs at the expense of international issues."

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