Saturday, June 4, 2011

Benedict XVI: "Soon Palestine!"

"... During the meetings, the two sides discussed the need to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and recognize the "legitimate" rights of Palestinians to a homeland. The Vatican said "that soon the state of Israel and the Palestinian state must live in security, at peace with their neighbors and within internationally recognized borders." The Vatican has long supported a Palestinian state. The Vatican said it had to be done "soon" as the Palestinians mobilize support for recognition as an independent state in September."


Anonymous said...

If it is going to be state as large as the Vatican, then forget about it. Palestine is Arab from the Sea to the River and damn those who believe otherwise!

Anonymous said...

"Palestine is Arab from the Sea to the River"

And how many readers of this blog (let's ignore the author for a minute) are settlers on land stolen from the Cherokee, the Tuscarora and the Powhatan?

grow up.