Monday, May 2, 2011

Wikileaks: Saad Hariri: "You need to have the Sixth fleet near Syrian waters & fly jetfighters over Damascus!"

Original cable will be posted tomorrow. For now these translated excerpts should do:
"Cable 08BEIRUT663
Date: 12 May 2008 16:54
Ordered by: Chargé d'affaires Michele Sison
Subject: Lebanon: Hariri: What are you waiting for in the United States?
3.Saad Noted that the Lebanese feel terribly disappointed and do not have any confidence in March14 and its backers in the international community. He quoted a statement that the White House made on May 9 for Lebanon, which it was said «We hope ...», What does this mean? asked Saad. «« Hope »will not deter Syria. If the decision of the United States that do not offer to do anything, okay - we knew it ». Saad strongly urged «all that the United States should do is to fly a jetfighter over Damascus...». He suggested that the United States park the sixth U.S. fleet along the Syrian waters ..."

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