Friday, May 13, 2011

"... Why is it that Jordan & Morocco did not seek GCC membership before? Why now?"

"...  “From what I am reading in the newspapers, this is in response to the Iranian threat. Why is it that Jordan and Morocco did not seek GCC membership before? Why now? ... ... ... “We in the Arab world have seen the unity between Egypt and Syria ... it failed miserably and couldn’t pass the first test. ... “It would be a disaster if the GCC allows Yemen to become a member now. It is facing huge problems....  Sfakianakis, the banker, has a word of caution for the decision-makers at the GCC Secretariat. "Just by including more members the GCC won't necessarily become stronger," he says. "It could in fact become weaker as an economic entity. Remember, Germany paid dearly for its unification with its Eastern half but that was Germany, the most powerful economy in Europe. The EU made a blunder by including Bulgaria and Romania too hastily. Therefore, the GCC should be cautious and measured."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's clear really. If Jordan's monarchy falls, the Palestinian Jordanians will have much more leverage and Israel will be greatly threatened. As far as Morocco goes, with the future in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia uncertain, and the fact that Algeria has not been overly friendly to Saudis, Morocco is critical for the Saudi influence in the Arab Maghreb.