"... Word of the detentions of Mr. Mubarak’s sons inspired exuberant demonstrations in Sharm el Sheik, with a crowd of young men chanting “15 days” and “God is great” in the face of riot police standing guard as the two brothers were driven away to detention, according to amateur video footage. A crowd pelted the police van carrying the brothers with water bottles, stones and flip-flops, The Associated Press reported Mohamed ElBaradei, the former international atomic energy watchdog who became a critic of Mr. Mubarak and now a candidate to succeed him, reacted in a Twitter message: “On the road to protecting the revolution. We now need to focus on achieving its goals.”
1 comment:
Holding leaders responsible for their behavior! What a marvelous concept for a democracy...or is it a democracy-building military dictatorship? Whatever you call Egypt (and governments that arrest bloggers for "insults" are not just dictatorial but pathetic), the detention of Mubarak and sons is a huge step toward democracy. It is also a slap in the face of Riyadh that may have regional diplomatic consequences worth watching. All Mideast dictators, colonialists, ghetto managers should pay heed. As for governors attacking teacher unions and Wall Street billionaires who impoverish their own societies and leaders who start wars on false pretenses, well, if the shoe fits...
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