Saturday, March 5, 2011

"..Being less than al-Qaeda should not suffice ... Loving Israel would! .."

"... The constant theme throughout Qaradawi's 2003 book, Fatawa Min Ajl Falastin (Fatwas on Palestine) is that violent hatred of Israel, is not just sanctioned but required under Islamic law...As the administration considers the differences between global jihadist terrorist groups and politically inclined Islamist groups, it would do well to... consider what the appropriate threshold should be for partnering with the United States and participation in the democratic system. Failure to do just that has already led to governments led by Hamas in Gaza and Hizballah in Lebanon. Being less than al-Qaeda should not suffice. Tolerance, and honoring international agreements and borders are more likely to produce the kind of truly free and democratic societies that promote long-term stability."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a dickhead!

"...what the appropriate threshold should be for partnering with the United States..."

Maybe countries might not want to partner with the United States!

participation in the democratic system

So Washington decides what is democratic?

Tolerance, and honoring international agreements and borders are more likely to produce the kind of truly free and democratic societies that promote long-term stability.

So when is Wahington going to insist that Israel shows tolerance and honors international agreements and borders.? When, for that matter, is the United States going to honor international agreements and borders?

Perhaps the website RealClearWorld should rename itself RealFuckingDumbAmericans!