Sunday, February 13, 2011

"You ruined Dad's final days in office ...!"

Kuwaiti Al Qabas also reported that Mubarak pere, shouted at Gamal & blamed him and his mother for ruining his life ... 
"Reuters- The two sons of Hosni Mubarak almost came to blows last Thursday when the former Egyptian president gave his final speech in an effort to stay in power, a state-owned newspaper said on Sunday.
Al-Akhbar said Alaa Mubarak accused his younger brother Gamal, who had held a senior position in the ruling party, of having ruined the 82-year-old leader's final days in office through promoting his business friends in political life.Alaa reportedly said this had turned Egyptians against their father, who had been in power since 1981.
"You ruined the country when you opened the way to your friends and this is the result. Instead of your father being honoured at the end of his life you helped to spoil his image in this manner," the daily quoted him as saying......the argument took place in the presidential palace in Cairo while Mubarak was recording his final speech, which he hoped would persuade protesters to stand down and give promised reforms a chance during Mubarak's last months in office.It said senior officials had to intervene to separate them.
Gamal Mubarak, 47, who spent 11 years working at Bank of America in Cairo and London, gained considerable influence in government after Mubarak appointed him head of the ruling National Democratic Party's (NDP) policy committee in 2002.
Analysts say he eased the way of business friends to senior positions in the NDP and into the cabinet of Ahmed Nazif, the prime minister sacked by Mubarak several days after massive protests broke out in Egypt on Jan. 25.
Corruption among the ruling elite is seen as one of the reasons for popular anger at Mubarak, though political repression and police brutality were also major factors..."

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