Saturday, January 15, 2011

WOW! "Truthleaks" :Hariri in meeting with false witness Siddiq overseeing concoction...

"New-TV: VOICE  RECORDINGS!" (We believe provided by Wissam Hassan himself to Gen. Rustom Ghazleh. Hassan is trying to buy himself an insurance policy!) Hariri has maintained that he knows nothing of Siddiq & the rest of the false witnesses. In the recordings, Siddiq appears to be directing Hariri, while Hassan, (who was always said to be a mere 'interpreter') comes across as manipulator of the two. The Tribunal you ask? ... Flush!
Stay Tuned! Huger than Huge!

1 comment:

Joyfuyl Founding Senior Member of the FLC said...

Will Hariri end up in jail? Will Bellemare end up in jail? Will Melhis and co end up in jail? Will VP Cheyney end up in jail? Will many pillars of M14 end up in jail?
What is happening in Lebanon is no less tremendous than what is happening in Tunisia (formerly Carthage founded by the Canaanites known as Phoenicians!!!) less the violence. We already contributed in that respect!!!