Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Saudi official close to the Hezbollah "issue": We abhor sectarianism!

This newspaper, its idiotic editor and the Saudi official it quotes are all members of the SECULAR Saudi regime. So when they talk of 'sectarian militias', please take that at face value!
"... It may be appropriate here to share with our readers what I heard from an official close to the Hezbollah issue, who gave an important account of the situation. He said that two facts that must be pointed out, because what people see in Lebanon, and the region in general, comes from conversations that conceal more than they reveal, and simply consist of “flattery and mutual dishonesty”.
The first fact, according to the official, is that the Tribunal “is the only way to learn the truth and achieve justice. To attack and try to disable it only serves to protect the killers, and those who stood behind them, with planning and equipment”. The official believed that “their [Hezbollah’s] agenda had come to light through their attempts to overthrow the Tribunal, even before they had been exposed by it.... The official then revealed the second fact, namely that terrorist groups and organizations, on the one hand, and sectarian militia on the other, “are just two sides of the same evil coin, despite their false affiliations to God and religion. Their real goal is to tear the countries of the region apart, and turn them into arenas of public discord, civil wars, and conflicts between Muslims and Christians, Sunnis and Shiites.... the time has come to reform Lebanon the hard way, and the International Tribunal is the best way in which to do this."

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