Saturday, January 22, 2011

"Imagine that the UN stepped in to nullify the verdict, & conduct its own investigation at the instigation of, say, Russia and China..."

"... Operating behind a thin pretense of “legality,” the strategy of the US and Israel is to keep the Lebanese cauldron boiling, preventing the creation of a government of national unity and creating a power vacuum where there might be a countervailing force against Israel. Tel Aviv has sent its troops into Lebanon three times since 1978, with US backing. A weak and divided Lebanon presents no obstacle to the expansionist designs of extremist Israeli politicians, who can count on unconditional US support for their dream of a Greater Israel no matter what the cost to US interests and prestige in the region. 
To get some idea of what is going on in Lebanon, imagine if a major US politician had been assassinated, and his killer identified by the authorities – and then imagine further that the United Nations stepped in to nullify the verdict, and conduct its own investigation at the instigation of, say, Russia and China. 
This is precisely what has occurred in Lebanon,....
The Tribunal investigation is a ticking time bomb, designed to explode just as the US and Israel are ramping up their campaign against Iran and its regional allies (Syria and Hezbollah). And make no mistake: Iran is the real target of this whole operation, .... The US-Israeli strategy is to suck the Iranians into a proxy war pitting the UN against Hezbollah – the chief military counterweight to the IDF in the region. The Israelis are still chafing from the humiliation of their defeat at Hezbollah’s hands in the 2006 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. With US – and UN – help, they are counting on getting their revenge. 
The Lebanese people have the sovereign right to conduct their own affairs without interference from the US, Israel, or the UN – and we only feed anti-Americanism, and act as a recruiting agent for our enemies, when we intercede on Israel’s behalf.....
The “special” UN Tribunal is a sword pointed at the throat of the biggest single political party in Lebanon.... The “justice” of the American hegemon has no use for evidence, or legality, except insofar as it can give the appearance of “impartiality” to a process rooted in its imperial designs. Whether Washington is really intending to ignite the Lebanese tinderbox, and start its long-planned war to take down the Iranians, remains to be seen. Israel’s powerful lobby in the US will certainly be pushing for just that outcome – and certainly a new war would provide a welcome diversion for the Obama administration, which is mired in economic and political difficulties. 
Somewhere in a cave in the wilds of Waziristan, Osama bin Laden is smiling. Just as the 9/11 terrorist attacks set the Americans rampaging through Iraq and Afghanistan, so one of his assassins sent to create chaos in Lebanon has succeeded in drawing the Americans ever closer to yet another unwinnable conflict. Observant readers will note this strange confluence of interests, with Washington, Tel Aviv, and al-Qaeda the beneficiaries of a “legal” process designed to explode any hopes of peace in Lebanon...."

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