Tuesday, November 9, 2010

'Smoking' chimp rescued from Lebanon. More Lebanese apes still on the loose

Omega, a 12-year-old chimpanzee, bares his teeth through his cage in a zoo in the southern Lebanese village of Ansar on Monday, Nov. 8, 2010. In his younger years, the chimp was used in one of the local restaurants to entertain people and was made to smoke cigarettes and serve water pipes to customers.
"... Omega, who weighs around 132 pounds (60 kilograms), has never climbed a tree or seen other chimpanzees and has a troubling smoking habit he maintained from picking up cigarettes that visitors threw into his cage.... Organizers of Omega's evacuation say it marks the first time a chimpanzee has been rescued in Lebanon, a country with virtually no animal rights protection laws. In his younger years, Omega was used in one of the local restaurants to entertain people and was made to smoke cigarettes and serve water pipes to customers. After he grew stronger, he was locked up and taken to a zoo where for the past 10 years he has lived in a cage measuring 430 square feet (40 square meters)..."

1 comment:

mo said...

hahaha....very good.