Friday, November 26, 2010

"..Sa'ad Hariri has been the darling of the AIPAC/Israel/Bush Administration collegium.."

"Now this/ (the links below) are amusing.  Sa'ad Hariri has been the darling of the AIPAC/Israel/Bush Administration collegium.  He has been described for years in those circles as a potential "savior" of Lebanon from the Hizbullah/Iran/Syrian forces that lurk in the background.
Now, apparently, the realities of life and politics in the eastern Mediterranean have penetrated his Saudi money filled head. 
Lebanon is once again on the brink of attack based in Israeli rage and frustration.  Hariri was supposed to know that he had been bought, not rented, but alas, his Saudi mentors have probably told him to go make peace with the Iranians.
So much for the AIPAC/Israeli belief that the Saudis are the implacable enemies of Iran.
Oh yes, let us not forget that in this speech he described Israel as the greatest threat in the region...."

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