Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"... Netanyahu has a special weakness for embarassing Biden ... and humiliating America"

"...It appears that the Prime Minister has a special weakness for Vice President Biden - or at least for embarrassing the man.  Their last very public interaction in March 2009 was marked by the government of Israel's promotion of a new settlement plan for Ramat Shlomo, leading to a diplomatic debacle.  This weekend, Prime Minister Netanyahu met Vice President Biden in New Orleans on the margins of the Jewish Federations of North America's General Assembly -- after which Biden delivered a speech pledging America's unconditional support for Israel and saying that there should be "no daylight" between the US and Israel when it comes to security.  It was a speech that - given Israel's failure to play ball with the Obama Administration over settlements and the peace process - Netanyahu could rightfully cast as a huge diplomatic victory.  And he has rewarded this victory - and Vice President Biden for his staunch support of Israel - by publicly humiliating the Vice President once again and sticking a finger in they eye of the Obama Administration. ..."

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